mylittlebrother: We're All Gonna Die

Mylittlebrother are having a very nice time at the moment.

The Cumbrian Indie-Pop group's debut album “If We Never Came Down” was released in 2014 to wonderful reviews (“There is something happening in The Lake District that is really rather special 9/10” – Louder Than War) Many of their gigs across the North of England have been sell outs, as well as attracting large appreciative crowds across the country, and at festivals all over the place. AND, their new EP “We're All Gonna Die!” will be released this Summer 2015, and has been produced by Grammy-winning, long-term Brian Wilson bandmember and collaborator Scott Bennett. Things are snowballing, and they like it.

An interview with Will from mylittlebrother:

1. When did you first start singing (or playing your instrument)?
I started piano lessons on my 6th birthday, purely because I was jealous of the attention that my older brother got when he played. Thankfully, I had a wonderful teacher from the age of 9 who taught me that you were allowed to enjoy music, and it's been one of the most important things in my life ever since.

2. What was the first song you recall singing (or playing)?
Not exactly cool, but my brother, sister and I would gather around a casio keyboard singing Hasta Manana by Abba

3. Who are your musical inspirations?
The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Paul Simon, The Zombies, The Turtles, The Flaming Lips and Grandaddy.. Along with pretty much everything else I've ever heard!

4. What genre of music do you listen to today?

I always maintain that there only really 2 types of music. Good music, and not-good music. I tend to listen more to the good stuff.

5. What embarrassing songs might I find on your MP3 player?
I'm incredibly primitive. I don't actually have an mp3 player... But if you were to look in my music collection, you'd find quite a lot of a-ha. I'm not embarrassed by this, but people have mentioned that perhaps I should be. I still listen to Scoundrel Days quite a lot, I genuinely love it.

6. Where would you most like to perform?

7. If you weren't a musician, what would you be doing?
Learning to be a musician.

8. What instruments do you play?
Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Flute (vaguely) and I also sing.

9. If you could dabble in another genre of music, what would it be?

10. What other talents do you have?
I make a very good patatas bravas, and I'm a not terrible rock climber.

11. What is your favorite song to belt out at the bar/in the car/for karaoke?
Africa by Toto

12. If you could sing a duet with any musician, living or dead, who would it be?
Probably Brian Wilson

13. What is the hardest thing about being in the music business?
It's hard to get yourself heard by the people who would like your music.

14. What has been the best advice you have ever been given?
Lefty-Loosey Righty-Tighty

Please give mylittlebrother a like and a follow on their social media, it would greatly be appreciated!

Twitter @mlittlebrother

Thank you, Will, for taking the time to share your music with us!

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