Battle of the Bands: Plant vs Plant

Time for the next round of Battle of the Bands!

Battle of the Bands is back!

After taking a brief pause for the duration of the A to Z Challenge, we are back with some really fun and interesting battles. I do hope that you'll stick around and vote and participate in the battles.

Here’s how it works: I’ll be posting two versions of the same song and after you give a listen to each, place your vote for your favorite and reason for the way you voted in the comments section.

The Battles take place on or around the 1st and 15th of each month, and the results will be posted on or around the 7th and 21st. As I only post Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, the posting date will be closest to those dates as possible.

The other blogs participating in the Battle of the Bands are posting different battles (different songs), So once you’re done voting and commenting on my battle, take a moment to visit the other participants and vote & comment on their battles.  There are some really good battles going on!

The Song:  "Black Dog"

The other day, I stumbled across one of the contending videos and I thought it was so very different that I just had to make it into a battle.  As you may know, Robert Plant was one of the founding members of Led Zeppelin. The song Black Dog is written and made famous by Led Zeppelin.

I found this little tidbit rather interesting in doing my research:
Built around a call-and-response dynamic between the vocalist and band, ""Black Dog"'s start and stop a cappella verses were inspired by Fleetwood Mac's 1969 song "Oh Well." But John Paul Jones has claimed he wrote down the song's basic riff on the way to a rehearsal at Jimmy Page's Pangbourne boathouse, on the back of a train ticket in 1968. Although it has an apparently simple drum pattern, the song's complex, shifting time signature was intended to thwart cover bands from playing the song.

The First Contender: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss

The Second Contender: Robert Plant & Patty Griffin

Who will you choose?

Alright now, it’s time to cast your vote! In the comments, please enter who you are voting for and why you chose them.  Stay tuned, results will be posted on the 9th!

And don’t forget to visit these other battles going on today!

What does tomorrow bring?

May 4 is #AtoZChallenge Reflections
Read about what REALLY happened 
during the month of April


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