The Guest: Music - A Universal Language

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Jingle Jangle Jungle’s Guest Blogger Series
Week 21

Today's Guest is: Debbie of Random Musings

Born in 1982 in North East England, I knew from an early age I wanted to be a writer. Life got in the way, and the dream was out on the back burner, although never forgotten. I now write my own blog, write guest posts for other blogs and am planning on completing my first novel by the end of this year!

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Music – A Universal Language

 Music – The one language that is spoken universally. Although we may all have different interpretations, the music speaks to all of us in one way or another, regardless of age or race. You could say music is the great equalizer.

While personally I’m not a massive fan of classical music, I think it perfectly illustrates my point. The music tells the story. Generally there are no words, but I defy anyone to listen to it and not come away with some sort of meaning. The music does more than tell a story – it takes you on an emotional journey. The highs, the lows, the happy, the sad, love, loss – you feel it all. And there are no words! No one has told you this is what’s happening, but you know it anyway.

It doesn’t matter how many languages you speak linguistically, be it 1 or 101, you can always speak the language of music.

I love watching music videos, in particular the ones that tell the story of the song. I like to watch them after I’ve familiarized myself with the song, and decided what my interpretation of the story is. It’s amazing how many times my interpretation has been very similar to the video.
Generally speaking, I think if a song is powerful enough the message is always conveyed in the same way, regardless of the mood of the listener. A really positive song can lift my mood on days I’m feeling down, inspire me to let go of the negativity and remember to be thankful for all the good things in my life. Likewise, even if I’m feeling really happy, a sad song can still pull at my heartstrings.

Nothing Compares to You by Sinead O’Connor gets me every time, no matter how happy I am feeling, yet I would still class it as one of my all-time favourite songs. The lyrics are beautiful and the emotion she puts into singing it is over whelming.

The one exception I have found to this is David Gray’s This Year’s Love. If I am feeling happy and positive when I listen to this, I hear the lyrics as someone so in love, they want it to last forever. If I am feeling a little down, I hear it as someone who has been hurt so many times that if this one doesn’t work out, they are giving up on love all together.

Does music speak to you? Are there any songs you interpret differently depending on your mood?

I hope that you enjoyed today's Guest. Be sure to visit their blog and social medias.

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