Softly and Tenderly


Wikipedia tells us this about the hymn:

"Softly and Tenderly" is a Christian hymn. It was composed and written by Will L. Thompson in 1880.

Allegedly, when evangelist Dwight L. Moody was in the hospital barred from seeing visitors although Thompson had arrived, Moody insisted that Thompson be let in, whereupon Moody told him:

Will, I would rather have written "Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling" than anything I have been able to do in my whole life.

Thompson was a member of the Churches of Christ, where several of his hymns and gospel songs continue in use. "Softly and Tenderly" is the most widely known of his compositions and has circulated far beyond its origins in the American Restoration Movement. It is among the most prolifically translated gospel songs and has spread appealingly into the repertoire of various fellowships of Christendom.

 Softly and Tenderly

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling

Calling for you and for me

See on the portals He's waiting and watching

Watching for you and for me

Come home, come home

Ye who are weary come home

Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling

Calling, "O sinner come home"

O for the wonderful love He has promised

Promised for you and for me

Though we have sinned He has mercy and pardon

Pardon for you and for me

Come home, come home

Ye who are weary come home

Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling

Calling, "O sinner come home"

Come home, come home (come home)

Ye who are weary come home

Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling

Calling, "O sinner come home"

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