In Times Like These


Stress and strain was part of daily living during the height of World War II.  Many did not know what to expect or what was coming next. Many families experience personal “sorrows or tragedies”.

Ruth Caye was born August 9, 1902 in Wilmerding, Pennsylvania. She married Rev. Bert Jones.

Ruth Jones was a mother of five and a pastor’s wife. She was a self-taught pianist and organist.

She was a busy housewife, during World War II.  The words from 2 Timothy 3:1 which says, “In the last days perilous times shall come” stayed with her.

 One day while going about her daily duties, she felt a “direct inspiration from the Holy Spirit”.  She stopped her work and “quickly put down both words and music just as they were given to her by God.”

Many of the song lyrics are also inspired by Hebrews 6:19, which says: “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast….”

In 1948, the Jones’ founded a radio ministry in Erie, PA, broadcasting a weekly family devotional program from their home called “A Visit with the Jones.”

Several years later, the words provided comfort to the writer as she recovered from a serious surgery. She is said to have tears come to her eyes when she watched George Beverly Shea sing her song on a Billy Graham telecast. She said “I can’t believe I had any part in writing this song. I just feel that God gave it to me, and I gave it to the world.”

Mrs. Jones wrote fifteen other hymns, but In Times Like These remain her best known.

Ruth Caye Jones died on August 18, 1972 in Erie, Pennsylvania.

As we continue to live in uncertain times, these words continue to provide comfort and guidance.

I am always open to suggestions for songs to be used, as well as other suggestions you might have for the blog. If you would rather not share that info in the comments, you may email your suggestions.


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