Winnie the Pooh

New month, new musical conductor.  This month, Cathy from Curious As A Cathy gets to choose our themes. 

Cathy is wanting us to celebrate Winnie The Pooh Day.  So here’s my confession. I’ve never really watched any Winnie the Pooh movies. I may have read a book or two, but that’s as far as my Winnie the Pooh knowledge goes.  And I’ll be honest here, this was not an easy challenge for me. In fact, I ALMOST decided to skip it. 

But, just because a task is sometimes not easy, we shouldn’t give up. Oh, did I happen to mention that YouTube isn’t playing nice for me and letting me embed playlists on my blog? 

With this in mind, I’ve limited my number of selections to just three. I lower my head in shame. 

The three chosen tunes:

Winnie the Pooh && Friends by the Chieftains

It Really Was a Woozle Yes It Was

The Rain Rain Rain song

Here’s hoping YouTube plays nicer in the future! 

Today’s post is part of the Monday’s Music Moves Me blog hop, hosted by X-Mas Dolly, and co-hosted by Stacy Uncorked, Curious as a Cathy. , and Ramblin with AM. Be sure to stop by the hosts and visit the other participants.  If you have a MUSIC* post, feel free to join in the fun! *sorry non-music posts are not permitted in this blog hop.



  1. Certainly different than most of us. Nice picks!

  2. No reason to lower your head in shame. Sometimes themes don't work right for us - there is one upcoming theme I know I am going to have a lot of trouble with. You did good! Especially with that Chieftain's song. And the Rain Rain Rain song, which so cleverly incorporates the book, almost tongue in cheek. Alana

  3. Mary,

    Your stick to it attitude even when something is challenging is a lesson we all can learn from indeed. :) You did a fine job coming up with song picks for the theme. Give yourself a big ole pat on the back for me, k? I don't remember the song, "It Really Was A Woozle Yes It Was" but I do remember Pooh being frightened by such a critter. lol

    Is there anything I can do to help with YT's embedding problem? You mentioned an issue with playlists. I found the best way to fix that is after I've created my playlist, then I'll right click on the first song in the set and select the 4th option given < > Copy Embed Code. The video player property is rather large so change the width and height in the code. Oh yeah, I've noticed for some reason all of my playlists automatically set to "private", so I have to remember to flip that off so the set will not only display properly but you can play all the songs. I hope that helps. Have a boogietastic week, my friend!

    1. Thanks Cathy! I'll have to keep that option for embedding in mind. In the meantime, John came up with a solution that seems to work well without having to play with the size of the video player. As the majority of my January posts have already been written, I'll start using that method for my February posts. His method: create playlist, share to blogger (creates it's own post), then select html editing and copy the code to include in either a new post, or onto a notepad to add back in at the appropriate spot in the post.


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