#AtoZChallenge #BOTB 1970's Billboard Hits - A is for...

Today is a double-hitter. We’ve got the start of the AtoZchallenge, as well as a Battle of the Bands.

Let’s start with the AtoZchallenge

The theme I’ve chosen this year is 1970’s Billboard Hits ~

A is for... "Alone Again (Naturally)"

"Alone Again (Naturally)" is a song by English-Irish singer-songwriter Gilbert O'Sullivan. It was released in 1972 at the same time as (but not on) the album, Back to Front. In total, the single spent six weeks, non-consecutively, at #1 on the United States Billboard Hot 100 singles chart. Billboard ranked it as the No. 2 song for 1972. In Casey Kasem's American 'Top 40 of the 1970s', "Alone Again (Naturally)" ranked as the fifth most-popular song of the decade (Debby Boone's "You Light Up My Life" was #1). "Alone Again (Naturally)" also spent six weeks at number one on the Easy Listening chart. The track reached #3 in the UK Singles Chart.

And now on to the battle ~

How the battle works:  Twice a month, on or about the 1st and the 15th, various bloggers get post a battle on their blogs. Each battle is different, so you’ll want to be sure to visit the bloggers that are participating in the battles. You can find a list of participants here (I try to keep it up to date) On or about the 7th and 21st of each month, the winners of the battles are announced.

I found two pretty good contenders for today’s battle. In keeping with the AtoZ theme, I am using today’s song.

Please listen to the contenders and vote for your favorite in the comments. I’d love to know your thoughts on this song and the contestants.

First up, we have Contestant #1: Zsa Zsa Padilla

Next up, Contestant #2: Michael Buble & Diana Krall

If you’d like your blog to be part of this year-round bi-monthly Battle of the Bands BlogHop, let me know, and I’ll help direct you to the guy in charge.   Don’t forget to visit the other battles taking place today.

What does tomorrow bring?
Monday brings us the letter 'B'. 
Any guesses as to which 1970 Billboard Hits will be showcased?


  1. This song brings back a lot of memories! :) My vote goes to Diana Krall and Michael Bublé, without hesitation. It's even better than the original, IMO.

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I wish my other comment program not decided to crap out on me. This would have been so much easier for all of us! I've got your vote counted. Off to a running start! (now if only I can get out of facebook jail!)


    2. Yes, it's too bad about losing the CommentLuv. I guess there's no alternative? You ran afoul of the Facebook gods too? They can be so ridiculous sometimes. Hope you get it sorted out soon!

    3. IntenseDebate was the blogger version of CommentLuv, and they stopped supporting it altogether. I tried searching to see if I could find an alternative, but CommentLuv keeps directing me to IntenseDebate.

      Yup, I offended the Facebook gods as well. Thankfully, I was released from jail this morning (probably due to overcrowding). For a social site, they sure make it hard to be social sometimes.

  2. I'm kinda supporting the Micheal Buble version, myself. :) but it's a lovely song for sure.

    1. Thank you Roshan! I've got your vote counted as well. Appreciate you stopping by :)


  3. Alone Again sounds vaguely familiar, but I have no idea why :) It has something of an ear-worm quality and I am sure the chorus will be going round in my head all day :D
    Happy AtoZ :D
    Tasha's Thinkings - Shapeshifters and Werewolves

    1. I do encounter that problem from time to time, especially when I am trying to find a video that plays in all countries. Sometimes, I have to go through a few videos of the same song just to find the right one. Then the song gets stuck in my head. Thanks for stopping in!


  4. You know? I don't think I've ever heard 'Alone Again (Naturally)'. And it was such a successful song. I suppose this is what time makes to any popular form of entertainment.
    Great start to the challenge.

    The Old Shelter - 1940s Film Noir

    1. Thanks, Sarah! It had been awhile since I had heard the song myself. Sometimes we forget about some of the good ones.


  5. This one was a hit the year I was born :) Gilbert O'Sullivan does kind of embody that whole hippy to 70's shift, with something whimsical about him. His tunes are always catchy too.
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - Dragon Diaries

    1. The early 70's seemed to be such a more simpler time, at least in my mind. It could also be that way for me because I was just a youngster and still hadn't caught on to the ways of the world yet.


  6. I love 'Alone Again Naturally.' Seem to be more of my kind of music as compared to the other numbers.




    1. Your comment is a bit confusing. All three songs are the same song, just different artists performing.


  7. It's a beautiful number whichever version you listen to. My vote goes to Michael and Diana.

    Rocking start to your A-Z - all the best!

    Theme : Arabiana

    1. Thank you Nilanjana!

      I've got your vote counted. Best of luck to you on the challenge.


  8. This is such a beautiful song. Great start to A to Z All the Best

    1. Thank you, Tina!

      Best of luck to you as well.


  9. I remember this song! I swear there was a trend in the 70's for songs that sounded light and upbeat but the lyrics were really depressing.

    1. Hi there Megan!

      After putting together my list for this challenge, I suppose you are right. Plenty of upbeat tempo songs with sad lyrics. Much different than the sound of the 90's.


  10. Great song. Of course, I prefer the original version, but it's nice hearing it jazzed up a bit. Between these two versions my preference goes with the second version by Diana Krall and Michael Buble--they give the song a nice soft pop feel somewhat akin to what I'd imagine the Carpenters might have done it.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks, Lee

      I was really surprised by how well they sounded as well. Now I'm curious if the Carpenters ever did a cover of this one. That would be something!


  11. You're welcome. Thanks for dropping by! Looking forward to seeing you again soon.


  12. Mary, Oh, I remember this song. It's sooo beautiful and it puts me in such a melancholy mood. My vote goes to Michael Buble & Diana Krall. Nice job! Thanks for visiting today's post, #AprilA2Z Art Sketching Through the Alphabet Letter "A" +#BoTB and for your lovely comments on my angels! Have a blessed day!

    1. Thanks, Cathy!

      The song wasn't my first choice. When I originally started out, I had a different song in mind, but then I decided to eliminate the use of the words 'A' and 'The' for letters A and T. So I had to scrap that plan and come up with a different song. I'm just happy this one had covers to it.


    I dig the way you incorporated your first A2Z post with BOTB. Great idea!

    This is one of the saddest songs of all time... so, "naturally" I loved it the very first time I heard it on the radio. And "naturally" I eventually purchased the LP which included it. (I used to play it when alone in my darkened bedroom, just to make myself feel miserable. And it always worked, too!)

    I see that Lee has mentioned what I had already been thinking myself. It's too bad The Carpenters never recorded this song because Karen's voice, with that organically "natural" melancholia to it, was made for this song. And Richard would no doubt have done something gorgeous with the arrangement. Oh, well, a great opportunity lost. And Karen was with us for so short a time, there were many opportunities lost.

    Both covers are good, and even Diana Krall doesn't manage to wreck this one. But... "HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAY!" "THERE'S NO NEED TO FEAR -- UNDERDOG IS HERE!"

    Yep, I'm gonna bust up this shutout for ya. I liked ZSA ZSA PADILLA's treatment a wee bit more. Nice voice and (not that this affected my vote, but...) WOW is she easy on the eyes! Hokey-Smoke! Dark eyes, dark hair, sexy-looking to the max! I'll have to see if she looks that good in all her photos and if so... it's time to go into "Stalking Stephen" mode.

    ~ Stephen
    Check out my new blog @
    (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    1. Oh McCarthy!

      You don't know how hard I laughed and giggled to myself at the thought of you using my battle choice as your personal 'me time'.

      But, just as you have helped me out by busting up the shutout, I'm going to help you out and point you in a few directions.

      First off, she has Instagram

      Or check our her Facebook

      but those photos are not nearly as good as the photos I found here

      Now go put together a playlist with her music, and enjoy!


    2. Thanks, MARY!
      I checked out those photos of Zsa Zsa Padilla and I have to say, she reminds me of me.

      NO, I'm not transgendered!!

      What I mean is that she's a bit of a chameleon before the camera. Like me, she rarely seems to look the same way twice. With many of those photos I could hardly believe I was looking at the same person.

      And I've always been like that, too. I've seen photos of myself in which I look like a bunch of different people. Seriously, I'm not sure what I really look like. But I guess it makes sense since there seems to be many facets to my personality. (Zsa Zsa and I are probably suffering from Multiple Personality Disorders.)

      ~ D-FensDogG
      Check out my new blog @
      (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...

    3. Yo Stephen

      MPD, you say? I'd say you are well-rounded. (not that you are round, but well.. you know what I'm sayin') She sure is a looker, who knows, perhaps you can win her over with your way with words and she will have no choice but to fall in love with you. I did some more digging and she was born in '64 and lives in the Philippines. Send me an invite to the wedding, sir!


  14. I liked both versions, but I think I'm going to go with Michael Buble and Diana Krall. I agree with whoever said their version is even better than the original. :D


    Here's my entry for the challenge:


    1. Thank you Christine!

      The duo did a really good job on this song. I've got your vote counted. Thanks for dropping in. I'll be stopping by your blog soon.


  15. I think I prefer the Michael Buble and Dianna Krall version

    1. alright. Another vote for Buble/Krall



  16. Fun theme for the challenge. I vote for the Buble/Krall version of this song.

    1. Thanks, Carrie!

      Appreciate you taking the time to cast your vote.


  17. So the A to Z starts and I fell I am already behind:) great BOTB and I am voting for...Zsa Zsa because she held my interest. I like Michael Buble but I always find Diana Krall a snore and this proved it again so Zsa Zsa gets my vote. I just said to my friend, yesterday, I don't know anyone else except Ms. Gabor with that name and now...there is a second one:)

    1. Hey there Birgit!

      Thanks again for the support! Zsa Zsa is certainly an interesting name. And if McCarthy has any say in the matter, he would say there are many more interesting things about her ;) I appreciate your voting in the battles and the continued support.


  18. My vote goes for Michael Buble & Diana Krall, nice to see you doing the challenge again!

    1. Thanks, Mike! I hope my posts turn out well. Late night posting makes for crazy thoughts sometimes. It's good to see you doing the challenge as well. Another vote for Buble/Krall.


  19. I guess I'll have to go with Michael Buble & Diana Krall, as well. Happy Blogging!


    1. Thanks, Darla! Looks like they are taking a lead in the votes at the moment. Let's see if they can hold on...


  20. When Zsa Zsa started singing I knew her voice reminded me of someone else. I was afraid I wouldn't figure it out, but about midway through it struck me: Vonda Shepherd! She was made popular by the TV show Ally McBeal. The writer of that show discovered her in a piano bar. When the show was conceived he created a piano bar the characters frequently visited...And voila.

    On the second one, I loved Michael Buble. Is it just me or does Miss Krall sound like a Mister? I would have sworn all the way through it was two dudes singing together. But, it was very good. I particularly liked the end.

    So the hombres get it. Buble and Krall.

    1. Robin

      Now you've got me curious and I need to see if I can find a video of Vonda Shepherd to give her a listen. And who knows, if things don't work out with Stephen and Zsa Zsa, maybe Vonda would be willing to give him a chance.

      The thought of Diana Krall sounding like a man made me laugh out loud. Her voice is a bit in the lower register, isn't it? Poor Elvis Costello...


  21. Alone Again Naturally, a song that spoke so much to the 19 year old me. Now, at 64, it sounds like the most depressing song ever - just hearing it makes me want to jump off a tower, just kidding. I am partial to the Michael Buble version.

    1. haha! That's quite the analogy!. Thanks for the vote!


  22. Did someone say Diana Krall?
    And she is joined by Michael Bublé? How can I vote against this pair?
    You know where my vote is going. I love the album this song is from. Looking forward to getting her new album. Also, going to see her in concert this year. I can't wait. <3 Diana Krall

    1. See.. I knew if I posted her name enough, you'd come back to the fold. Please don't run away again. And it's awesome you get to see her in concert this year.


  23. This brought back memories. I was surprised though that I actually liked the Krall Buble version better than the original.
    Dropping by from the AtoZ

    Suzy at Someday Somewhere


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