March Update & "Oldtown Cover"

Got You Covered: Oldtown Cover

Can you believe that it's March already? Where does the time go?

Being that it's the first of the month, I thought I'd just touch base with you all for just a minute.

Remember last month when I said I was really tired and I needed to make some changes? Well, those changes are starting to take place.

Each Tuesday, I co-host Party Under The Big Top with Lysa from Welcome To My Circus. This party is not just for other bloggers, it's an opportunity for you, the reader, to get to see some of the other blog posts out there in the blogosphere.

Next week, We'll start the Jingle Jangle Jungle Guest Blogger Series. (say that three times fast!) I'll be sharing some posts written by guest bloggers. I'm excited to read about the music they want to share with you. And by all means, if you would like to become a guest blogger, Be sure to fill out your information on this form.

I am also taking requests/suggestions for Artists, Songs, or Themes (such as genre, decade, etc)
You can make your request using this form.

We're also celebrating musical birthdays over on the Facebook Fan Page. Be sure to join the party by liking the page!

I think that's about all of the new stuff happening around here. 10 1/2 weeks cancer free!

Okay... on to the post!

Today, we have a carryover from a previous Got You Covered Post. 

Last week, I showed you the cover version of Uptown Funk, "Suburban Funk" (see that post here)

This little gem recently found it's way into my Facebook news feed, and I just have to share!

"Oldtown Cover" ft. Alex Boye', & The Dancing Grannies

Got You Covered: Oldtown Cover

All the grandmas and Grandpas in this video did their own stunts!
They range in age from 65-92! Between them, they have raised 500 children, 1,200 grandchildren, and 250 great grandchildren!!!

That's all for now. I'll be back tomorrow with a regular post.

Hey did you know ...

You can now submit a request for a specific Artist, Song, or Theme
Check it out up at the top of the page under "Requests"

AND... while I have your attention...

Are you interested in becoming a Guest Blogger?
I am looking for AWESOME bloggers just like you!
There are only two requirements and it is a MUST


That’s not too much to ask now is it? Be sure to fill out the sign-up form, and I will send you an email with all of the details including your publishing date. Don’t delay as spaces fill-up rather fast.

Guest Blogger Sign Up Here

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