The Guest: Alan Herbert

Welcome to "The Guest"
Jingle Jangle Jungle’s Guest Blogger Series

I'm really excited to share with you today's guest. I met Alan via twitter, and have enjoyed reading his blog posts, and I'm sure you will enjoy this one as much as I have. 

I have booked some really AWESOME bloggers (and non-bloggers as well), from all over the internet, and I just can’t wait for you to “meet” them all. Each and every Sunday, you will find a new Guest here. Thank you for stopping by today to join us for this week’s "The Guest".

Born in 75 I'm hitting my 40th birthday this summer.
Born of Irish parents in England, I was adopted by Americans. Spent time in an Orphanage run by Nuns and a boarding school for emotionally disturbed children. Diagnosed with depression.
Worked in many industries, retail, hospitality, food and customer service.
I moved to Ireland 10 years ago. Now I'm a stepfather to two boys, father to a son and now a daughter.
Between caring for Autistic stepson. Taxi to school and after school activities I blog over at Life with #Baby Pink and the Boys and can be found on twitter @omgitsagirl2015

Twitter ~ Google+ ~ Life with #Baby Pink and the Boys

Take a minute to follow Alan at his blog and on his social media. It would mean a lot to both of us!  

When I was selected to guest post I saw the post brief and thought. That's easy to write. We love music in  our house.  The TV is always on a music station, there are fights over what CD is played in the car.

Then after some thought the problem dawned on me. We all like different music and artists. The youngest loves One Direction, he's six and a boy. A life size poster of Niall Horan on his wall! I don't mind. He sings and dances away.

The eldest likes his dance and hip hop.
As for the middle one. He is Autistic and for the last six months all I've heard is Let it Go. Hopefully the new Frozen movie will have a new song.

Herself loves Garth Brooks and as for me I've not moved on from Queen, Genesis and a bit of Guns N Roses. Much to my dismay they show no interest. Thanks to Jedward they do listen to Under Pressure. Its a start.

Then quite by chance the youngest was going through an old mobile phone of mine and started playing. July by Mundy. #BabyPink started dancing in the bouncer, legs and arms going crazy.

Her brothers dancing around the sitting room. Even herself was singing away.

It's a great song, by an Irish Artist. On a day like today, the sun shining, a cool breeze blowing you can play this and it feels like summer has arrived.

We've finally found a song that everyone likes. Hopefully now we can slowly get them listening to the whole album. Live and Confusion. Has all his best songs on it. Galway Girl, To You I Bestow, Mexico and many more.

If you're ever driving through Tipperary and see a silver people carrier with Mundy blaring out, rocking from three kids bouncing in their seats and an out of tune 40 year old trying to sing. It's us, give us a beep and sing along.

mundy - july - YouTube


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