The Guest: When The Dust Settles - Musically Influencing Your Kids

Welcome to "The Guest"
Jingle Jangle Jungle’s Guest Blogger Series
Week 10

I have booked some really AWESOME bloggers (and non-bloggers as well), from all over the internet, and I just can’t wait for you to “meet” them all. Each and every Sunday, you will find a new Guest here. Thank you for stopping by today to join us for this week’s "The Guest".

Today's Guest is:  Ash Beolens of When The Dust Settles

About Ash:
A father to 3 awesome kids (15, 11 & 5), two boys and one girl. IT worker by profession and award winning photographer, writer, blogger and all round wildlife enthusiast the rest of the time. Usually found either under a pile of kids or out photographing nature.

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Take a minute to follow Ash at his blog and on his social media. It would mean a lot to both of us!  

Musically Influencing Your Kids

Throughout my teen years, back when Britpop filled the radio stations (and on into my twenties) music was a massive part of my life, not playing unfortunately I have no talent there, rather listening. I was a regular at various gigs, saw loads of different bands, attended festivals and generally would be found listening to music. My choices were pretty eclectic, I'd give anything a shot, but most often it would be guitar based indie type music (what do you expect from a teenager in the nineties?).

I'm now a dad and I want nothing more than to pass on my musical influences to my kids (don't we all), and although I am aware that we all go through different musical stages in our lives; Nursery rhymes and kids tunes, pop music, and then we start to find an area of music that we grow to love most of all be it Rock, Indie, classical what ever floats your boat really. However imparting this musical taste onto my children becomes increasingly hard when their mother has no musical taste!

Lack of Taste
I'm only joking here, being harsh on my children’s mother, my partner does enjoy some good tunes and bands; Eminem, Bob Marley, etc. and some of her own musical influences are ok, at times (I love the Beastie boys and rap in general, but when it comes to loving UB40 I draw the line a little, come on they are a covers band at best?), I found out recently though that while she doesn't like Pink Floyd, an act I already think is grounds for divorce, but one I have come to terms with and forgiven her for, she also doesn't like Queen and isn't too bothered with the Stone Roses (The greatest band that has ever been).

Creating Playlists
I while back I set up a special Spotify playlist, one with some of my favourite songs designed to indoctrinate the little lady (my daughter) into, there is little hope with the boys their mums pop loving influence has already influenced them too much. It is an interesting mix of tunes from various genres and performers from Blondie to the Cranberries, Skrillex (nothing wrong with modern electronic stuff) to De La Soul, but the response I got from my daughter was shocking! “It's a bit dull, I can't dance to this” or worse “I want One Direction”.

I know it is my other half’s influence! I know that it is she that puts things like Justin Bieber on for her (when I am not there) much to my annoyance, I actually I think that she only does it for that reason. What can a man do though, I keep plugging away playing her my music hopefully one day I’ll find that I have raised a good old fashioned indie chick!

Oh and on final thing, if I ever find out my partner dislikes Nirvana as well, well then it is over for us!

The Guest: When The Dust Settles
Musical Influences Ash would like his kids to follow

I hope that you enjoyed today's Guest post. Be sure to give them a visit on their blog and social medias.

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