The Guest: Olivia: Top 5 Reasons to Love Instrumentals

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Jingle Jangle Jungle’s Guest Blogger Series
Week 17

Happy Independence Day Weekend! Today I have a special guest lined up for you!  As you know, I have booked some really AWESOME bloggers (and non-bloggers as well), from all over the internet, and I just can’t wait for you to “meet” them all. Each and every Sunday, you will find a new Guest here. Thank you for stopping by today to join us for this week’s "The Guest".

Today's Guest is: Olivia Roach of Olivia's Catastrophe

Hi! I'm Olivia-Savannah, a British 16 year old currently living in the Netherlands. I'm book crazy, love basketball, writing and all things nail polish. :)

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If you’re anything like me, then you are going to love your music. I love all kinds, but the music I am starting to appreciate more and more are instrumentals. As a Thor fangirl I do have The Dark World soundtrack which is full of OSTs. I wanted to share my top 5 reasons why I love them with you!

  • Because they can tell a story.
I do believe the rise and fall in a song can tell a story itself. The rhythm, the instruments chosen – it can all mean something to you and can end up being so inspiring. Which is why sometimes a good instrumental can spark off a story idea or one for a poem. When I am writing a certain scene in my book which I know is sad, sometimes I go and find a slow instrumental to help me set the mood.
  • No musical distractions!
This one works for me a lot. I am someone who needs music on and around me whenever I am trying to work, but the lyrics to songs can be distracting. Mostly because, even with my horrible voice, I have a strange need to sing along. Instrumentals give the good music and no distractions with lyrics as well!
  • Instruments and beats are beautiful to my ears.
Yes, instrumentals don’t only have to be classic music even though I love that too! Sometimes DJ music or the usual songs I like to listen to but wordless also work. Now you can focus on the instruments and the stylistic choice to the music as well. In most cases, I get the appreciate the musicians a whole lot more as well.
  • It can be relaxing when I can’t sleep…
In the middle of the night when I can’t sleep I used to pick up a book. Until I realised that if the book is a good one I am likely to be up all night instead of snoozing. So nowadays I plug in my earphones and listen to some calming instrumentals. They’re perfect to drift off to sleep with.
  • Because it is its own kind of music.
Every kind of music deserves the appreciation it does. But nowadays I feel like there are so few people who will enjoy putting on background music while chatting with friends and not have something too obvious, too lyrical and something simply soothing instead. I think instrumentals are individual and should be admired for being so.

Olivia’s Question: Do you listen to instrumentals?

Olivia-Savannah x

I hope that you enjoyed today's Guest. Be sure to visit their blog and social medias.

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