Introducing: Stone and Space

Recently, one of my followers on Instagram reached out to me and asked if I would introduce their music to the readers of Jingle Jangle Jungle. Of course, I'm always happy to help out new artists with an introduction. I like to keep an open mind when it comes to music. I also believe that music represents feeling, emotion, passion, and mood. Using this philosophy about music, I feel there is a place for all genres in my world.  Today, I'd like to introduce you to a relatively new duo who call themselves Stone and Space.

Stone Jone and Spacebar (Stone and Space) are two new Atlanta artists on the hiphop scene in the city. Whether it's Stoney's introspective, emo, lyrical prowess, or Space's gritty trap sound, hard southern vocals you'll definitely label their music a great addition to your collection of "go to" artist for hiphop. Both guys have been writing for awhile, but have come together to form a unique, talented, and innovative super group.

In addition to hiphop, both enjoy showcasing their creativity through different mediums. Stoney has written a novella that's available on Amazon, a couple of short film scripts (one of which goes into production 9/23 so look out for that), and has developed an autobiographical documentary series for Youtube. Space focuses mostly on the music, but has been highlighted in a recent animated short where he improvs an entire story about his childhood. Vegetarians, feminist, socially aware, and talented. Stone and Space is the new Atlanta.

Here's a sample of their music:

If you like their sound, be sure to check out their social media and give them a follow.

Follow Stone and Space on Facebook
Follow Stone and Space on Twitter
Stone and Space - YouTube
Stone and Space on Instagram
Stone on Instagram
Space on Instagram

Visit their website for MORE videos and music

Listen and follow them on Tidal, Pandora, and Spotify
search "Stone Jone"

Space's series:
"Outer Space Adventures"

Documentary series:
"the homies..." episode 8

What does tomorrow bring?

Tune in to find out...


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