#4M European Favorites

Time again for Monday’s Music Moves Me, otherwise known as #4M or M4, depending upon whom you are conversing with.  Hells Bells! I had a post all written and scheduled ready to roll when they changed the theme and didn’t send the memo. So today’s post is written on the fly and I apologize if it seems I didn’t put much thought into it. 

Today’s Theme is ‘European Favorites’ and the theme was selected by our spotlight dancer, Alex Cavenaugh.

Of  course, it wouldn’t be European without this first band:

Europe, a Swedish band

Next, we have the Scorpions, who hail from Germany

And a little Dutch band, known as Golden Earring

Finland gives us HIM

And from England, we have Queen

What’s your favorite song performed by a European band?

Today’s post is part of the Monday’s Music Moves Me blog hop, hosted by X-Mas Dolly, and co-hosted by JAmerican Spice, Stacy Uncorked and Curious as a Cathy.  Be sure to stop by the hosts and visit the other participants.


  1. Girl, you're good! I didn't know the theme had changed either, until I was ready to post at 2:00 this morning! I don't have time to go in and do a whole new one so I went with what I had. Oh well. when did you find out about the theme change?

    Anyway, you put a great post together for this theme. I'm liking HIM, listening to it right now. I saw Golden Earring back in the 70s when they opened for Peter Frampton! Radar Love: great song! I like the others that you posted too. I wasn't familiar with the Swedish band and their song Carrie. The Scorpions song sounds good too. Hadn't heard that one in a long time.

    Have a great week,

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I learned about the change when I received notice of XMas Dolly's post at 9pm MDT. I know some people only post their videos and go on about their day - but I do my own graphics for each post and then promote the heck out of the post everywhere I can - Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media sites. Last minute changes really throw a curveball at me. Personally, I think we should have a week's notice before changes like that - but that's just my opinion. I'm old and struggle with change. LOL

      So, I know you've heard Europe before. They are more known for their song 'The Final Countdown'. I like HIM. I was going to post their 'Wings Of a Butterfly' but thought I best go with their better known song. Glad that you enjoyed them!

      Aug 14 coincides with my BOTB post. I may end up posting my Monday post a few days early (although with the changes, both of those posts need revised so who knows).

      Thanks for dropping by! Have a great week - see ya Thursday for BOTB results :)


    2. Oh yeah, The Final Countdown!! Such a good song. Have it playing right now. I often know a song but don't know the artist. I'm bad like that...

      I too struggle with change. We be two old bitches... :)

  2. Mary,

    I know all of your European groups by name, except for your Dutch and Finland bands and the only songs I'm familiar with are "Radar Love" by Golden Earring and "The Show Must Go On" by Queen. It's funny how often I'm clueless on who the artist is until I get a revelation like this today. You brought some great Euro-tunes to the dance floor today! Have a songtastic week, my friend!

    1. Thanks, Cathy

      I often do the same. I recognize a tune but not know the artist or the name of the song. Thanks for stopping by!


  3. All of them are great songs. I still remember Golden Earring from back in the day. Thanks.

    1. Thanks, Patrick!

      Not bad for a last minute set, eh?


  4. I have an amazing Freddie Mercury story. We lived in the same area of London and I would naturally pick Queen. But this Queen song is not one my favourites. The composition of Radar Love in my opinion beats The Show Must Go On.

    1. Hi Jacqueline

      There are lots of Queen songs that I like. The Show Must Go On is one that reminds me of one of my very first online friends who is not with us anymore. It's a reminder that we have to continue on no matter the struggles that life tosses at us.


  5. That's some fast thinkin', Mary. I've had to turn on a dime like that more than once when the theme changes. I think one time I did like Michele did and decided, "screw it, I've worked too hard on this already." Nice choices here!

    1. Thanks, John!

      I appreciate you comments. All I'm asking is that they give us one week's notice. I know I'm not the only one who writes their posts in advance. It would sure make things a bit easier on us. I like to take a little pride in my posts, and feel as though I can't give it my 100% when it's rushed.


  6. I'm sorry about the confusion. If you look on my side bar I've put a note that will make you feel better. I want people to have fun & not get upset. Anyway you have really rocked the house. All your tunes are phenomenal. Thanks for the introduction. I must say Queen is my favorite! Great job.

    1. Marie

      It's okay to make changes. All I'm asking is that we have a one week's notice. Many of us visit on Monday, and then don't make it back until the next Monday - so it's easy to miss any changes. I like the spotlight dancers and the suggested themes, it just gets frustrating when we don't have proper notice of last minute changes. Personally, I do my own graphics, and I spend an enormous amount of time promoting on social media. I've got the current lineup on my schedule now, and ready to make posts. That is why the list is there, right? I'm sorry that you were offended by comments. They were not intended to offend - but more of a simple request to think about those participating.


  7. Another great intepretation of this theme - I had never heard of HIM and I liked that song - too bad they are now on a Farewell Tour! And hey, Golden Earring. Kicking myself, as Twilight Zone (the TV show's) creator grew up in the city where I work (Binghamton, New York). I'm not sure I've ever heard anything by Europe besides The Final Countdown. And Europe led me to think of Asia, and I learned (shame on me for not knowing) about John Wetton's death.

    1. Isn't it crazy how these themes and various songs get us to all think about and look further into different artists? I think that's one of the many aspects of doing this music blog that I truly enjoy.

      Thanks for dropping by!


  8. I had no idea The Scorpions were German!

    1. Who knew this would be educational? LOL Glad I could share some knowledge and great music with you :)


  9. I have two His Infernal Majesty songs from compilations. Thanks for a new one! I should really buy their music. Ville Valo has a lovely voice and the band has a good, distinctive song. These are all great songs, by the way. I own "The Final Countdown" album on cassette. ~grin~ And I have a fond memory of telling my mom about Golden Earring (I swoon over their song "Twilight Zone"!) and she mentioned the 1947 romantic spy thriller she enjoyed. It was cool sharing her memory, though I've never seen the movie and probably should.

  10. This is a really cool theme. Thanks for sharing your selections and opening up to new tunes. :)


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