Put On Your Big Boy/Girl Panties NSFW #BattleOfTheBands

This post is NOT for the faint of heart. If you are sensitive to offensive language or if you are easily offended, this post is NOT for you.  This post is considered NSFW*  (*NSFW = Not Suitable For Work)

Please DO NOT ATTEMPT to read or listen while you are at work (unless you work from home and don’t have to worry about co-workers or bosses looking over your shoulder & if you happen to be working from home - carry on - I promise not to tell)


Lock your children in another room - or better yet, send them over to the neighbors for a play date

Put on your big girl/boy undies

Shoo everyone out of the room

Be sure your sense of humor is intact before continuing on!

Okay, are you all set now?

Let’s get this battle rolling so you will have plenty of time to listen and vote before the neighbors call child protective services and alert them to the fact you’ve locked your children in their room.

This post was suggested by ‘The Cute One’.  He was reading comments on a recent battle and this idea came to him. Because I am incorrigible, I am obliging him this one.

Today I’m not going to go into detail about the songs. I’m not even going to name the name of the songs - I’m only going to give you the name of the contender.  Most of you will be smart enough to figure out the names of the songs.

YES - these are TWO DIFFERENT songs today.

As a reminder for you seasoned readers and to help out those of you who may be new here (Welcome, BTW!) here is how a battle works:

Step one - Listen to each of the contenders. TRY not to be persuaded by the videos (unless specifically requested - in the case of today’s battle, listening is more important than watching)

Step two - Pick the contender that you prefer the most

Step three - Comment with your selection. (Yes, I know my blog can be pretty sometimes. Yes, I know you may not be familiar with the song(s) or artist(s). Don’t tell me about that. Instead, give me your opinion on which is the better contender.)  It’s not rocket science.  Most of you are bloggers, so putting together a minimum of two sentences (or 15 words) should not be that big of a task. (And if it *IS* a big task for you, perhaps blogging is not for you - just sayin’) 

Step four - Visit Stephen’s blog to check out his battle and for a list of other bloggers that have have battles going on. We each have different battles, so please be sure to visit everyone. I'll provide a link below the videos to Stephen's blog for your convenience.

Got it?

Alright! Let's get on with it then...

Contender #1 - Denis Leary

Contender #2 - Meredith Brooks


There are no right or wrong votes, unless you vote for someone not listed as a contender or don’t vote at all.

I’ll keep the voting open until Sunday, May 6 @ 3pm EST with results posted on May 7. 

I’d like to encourage you to visit the other bloggers participating in the battle of the bands as well. We’ve put a lot of time and effort into putting together these battles and they are a lot of fun. Each blogger has a different battle taking place. You can find a current list on Stephen’s blog (you can also request to join the battle of the bands blog hop on his blog). 

Now, go let your children out of their rooms! 


  1. Mary,

    Oh, you incorrigible girl! lol The first song is poking fun at rude people. I sure have seen a lot of these kinds of folks in public. The second song is too serious and rather a negative way of looking at a woman. My choice became clear which contender earned my vote which I'm awarding to Denis Leary. Thanks for the interesting and fun showdown!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    Rock Country Roads #BoTB Showdown

    1. Hey Cathy!

      Thanks for dropping in with the first vote! Glad that I could entertain you a little. First vote of the battle goes to Denis Leary.


  2. Meredith Brooks is a great singer and I'd be tempted to buy one of her albums, but I made a fool of myself at Starbucks laughing my ass off over Denis Leary's song, so he wins for me.

    1. A day with laughter is a great day. Glad that I could help bring a smile to your face. Thanks, John!


  3. Hahaha! Sounds like you're a little fed up with some of the comments you've been getting, Mary. ☺ Love this feisty BOTB! As a huge Denis Leary fan, I always got a kick out of "Asshole". Lots of those people around! As a woman who considers being called "Bitch" a compliment, I'm giving my vote to Meredith. Women can be all things, depending on the circumstances and the people surrounding them. Strong women who take no shit (yourself included) truly rock. YESS!

    1. Debbie

      I am SO GLAD that someone else gets it! And yes, some of those comments have been pretty lame. I think some comment for the sake of commenting and don't give any thought into what the post is actually about. Thanks for keeping this one from being a shutout :)


  4. I vote for warning labels! The song bitch!

  5. I have a sense of humor, so I definitely enjoyed Denis Leary! And I can't think of a single person or group he *didn't* offend with that song. But I was still LOL-ing!

    However, my vote is for Bitch. I feel like it describes me to a "t", so there's that. And sisterhood and solidarity! Plus, it's just catchy, and you can actually play it without offending one in five people. Or maybe not. Hard to tell these days!

    Oh, how I need to come back to the Battles! I'm just still so undisciplined with my blogging in general that I'd hate to throw my hat into the ring only to flake out shortly thereafter.


    1. Thanks, Kim!

      Denis Leary sure does know how to have a good time, doesn't he? And I agree with the Bitch. There are many days when I wear that title proudly.

      You should definitely come back to the Battles. WE NEED YOU!!! plus, not sure if you know this, but some have opted to only do battles on the 15th of the month, so that takes a lot of pressure off of you if you choose to go that route. Give it some thought....


  6. My vote goes to Denis Leary! It's hilarious!!! The lyrics and the video is just crazy.

    1. Thanks, Karla

      I think it's a pretty fun video as well. Thanks for stopping by!


  7. OMG!!! Denis Leary is such a clown i love his style, Meredith brooks did well but wasn't quit fun for me, my vote goes to Denis Leary.


    The first thing I want to say is that you really had me fooled! I came here fully expecting to find that Warren Zevon zong.

    NAH! That's not really what I want to say first. What I really want to say first is that I listened to your Battle while at work! Because that's just the sort of assho-- er... just the sort of rebel that I am. Warnings and Rules don't apply to me. Those are just for the other people. :o)

    I had never heard of either of these persons before, let alone their songs. However, I do recognize Denis Leary from some TV commercial for something that he did years ago... back when I had TV service.

    The Meredith Brooks song was OK. Uhm... yeah. It was OK. That's all I have to say about that one.

    But DENIS LEARY!... Damn that was damned funny! When he got to John Wayne ("The Duke!") and Lee Marvin and Sam Peckinpah, THIS Battle was O-V-E-R as far as I was concerned! You CANNOT put The Duke, Lee Marvin, and Sam Peckinpah in your song and fail to get my vote. That would just be completely un-American not to vote for a song that includes The Duke, Lee Marvin, and Sam Peckinpah. ...Oh, and Patton, too! Ha!-Ha! (Suddenly, I have the urge to go shoot something breathing.)

    {*The only part I didn't like was the taking of The Lord's Name in vain. That always makes me cringe, no matter who does it. But then again, I should have expected it from... an asshole.*}

    Yesterday, I was in the middle of my 3 12-hour workdays and was unable to listen until I got home after 7 PM. I listened then and re-listened to Denis Leary again today from work and laughed just as hard the second time. And now, with a lull on the job, I've finally had a chance to post my vote for...

    John Wayne,
    Lee Marvin,
    Sam Peckinpah,
    General Patton,
    and... DENIS LEARY!

    This was a hoot, Mary! It definitely lived up to the pre-Battle hype. Nicely done.

    Well, I'm off now to kick a dog, pull the whiskers off a cat, steal candy from a baby, and anything else I damn well feel like doing.

    ~ Stephen A. McCarthy

    1. Stephen darlin'

      You are a rebel! I knew this one would bring a big ol' grin to yer face. And, I knew your vote long before you voted ('cuz I'm just that good!) I could listen to this one plenty more times without it getting old.

      Now, get back to work (but don't work too hard!)


  9. Denis Leary here too! That is hilarious! I love this post, you are so cheeky!

    1. LOL

      Thanks, Dove! I appreciate you stopping in to participate in this fun battle.


  10. The first song was pretty funny but I have to vote for Meredith Brooks! I grew up with that song and it has a lot of nostalgia for me.

    1. Hi Ann!

      Yay! Another vote for Meredith. That certainly helps to keep her in the competition. Be sure to check back on Monday for the results.


  11. I've always been a big fan of Dennis Leary. No brainer for me this time around

    1. Hey Thanks, Jeremy!

      Seems to be quite a few Leary fans here. Appreciate you stopping by!


  12. Can't say I had ever heard these songs before--I will say that my cat came in when the song Bitch came on! This is hard both were pretty good in their own way--both were a bit hard to take for this old lady--OK if I have to make a choice--I'll go with Meredith Brooks!

    1. Thanks for being such a good sport, Miki! I promise my next battle will be a bit easier to listen to.


  13. Very funny songs, for me the first one tips is slightly as it's so funny x

    1. Hey Rhian!

      Thanks so much for stopping in with a vote. I'm glad that I could bring a smile to your face.


  14. I have to give it to Meredith who sings this so well and love the lyrics. I like Dennis Leary very much but I was not as into this song so Meredith gets my vote

    1. Hi Birgit

      I can relate. It's one of those songs that it takes one or two listens sometimes. Now, I find myself humming the tune during the day - for no reason at all.

      Thanks for stopping by!


  15. I am all down for Denis. Love his humour, the winner for me Mary.

    1. Hi Lindsey!

      This has been a really fun tongue in cheek post. Thanks for taking a moment from your day to vote.


  16. My vote is for the Meredith Brooks song, I used to listen to it when I was younger actually, I'm going to download it again!

    1. Hi Ali!

      Thanks for stopping by! Appreciate the vote. Glad I could help take you on a walk down memory lane.


  17. Well they are both so good for different reasons that I'd want to give them both my vote, but that doesn't work.

    So for musical listening preferences I'd much rather listen to "Bitch" repeatedly. My daughters used to like that song a lot back when they were in high school and they'd play it a lot.

    The guys are very creative and funny, but Meredith Brooks gets my vote.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Hey thanks, Lee!

      Sorry to read about your recent loss of family member. I do hope that you and your family are doing alright under the circumstances. This battle is turning out to be quite a tight one. I'm a bit surprised by the results so far.


  18. This is the first time I am hearing both songs. I prefer ‘Bitch’ and can see myself listening to it again.

    1. Hi Stella!

      Sure do appreciate you stopping by. I've got your vote counted. Be sure to check in again on Monday for the results of the battle.


  19. Denis Leary gets my vote. Love discovering new artist on your page.

    1. Thanks, Msddah!

      Sure glad that I could introduce you to new artists. Keep coming back :)


  20. Although I did not swerve towards either , if I need to choose one I would go with Denis. Your post had me smiling all through it:

    1. Hey Nayna!

      Appreciate you taking the time to stop in with a vote. Glad I could make your day :)



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