McCartney v McCartney Battle of the Bands

Time for the next installment of Battle of the Bands!

A Big welcome to the new readers and a hearty welcome back to those of you who are not so new to this blog.

For those of you who may be interested - The battles take place twice a month. Once on the 1st, and again on the 15th. Some participants have chosen to participate only once a month - and that’s okay - we’re just happy to have you join us! Your battle can consist of covers of the same song, different songs with the same title, or even a themed type battle. Again - we’re just happy to have you join us!  Catch the link later in this post to Stephen’s blog to join in the fun - all you need to do is drop him a comment on his blog and he’ll add you to the roster of participants.

As a reminder for you seasoned readers and to help out those of you who may be new here

Here is how a battle works:

Step One - Listen to each of the contenders. TRY not to be persuaded by the videos (unless specifically requested - in the case of today’s battle, listening is more important than watching)

StepTwo - Pick the contender that you prefer the most

Step Three - Comment with your selection. (Yes, I know my blog can be pretty sometimes. Yes, I know you may not be familiar with the song(s) or artist(s). Don’t tell me about that. Instead, give me your opinion on which is the better contender.)   

Step Four - Visit Stephen’s blog to check out his battle and for a list of other bloggers that have have battles going on. We each have different battles, so please be sure to visit everyone. I'll provide a link below the videos to Stephen's blog for your convenience.

Alright - I’ll make this next part quick because I know some of you want to get on to the next battle.

Paul McCartney has just released two new singles. He has dubbed them as a Double Side A. For those of you who may be from a younger generation - Many years ago, artists would release their singles on 45rpm records. One side would be considered Side A, and the other Side B.  So what’s with this Double Side A noise?  I think we need to vote right here, right now to decide which of these singles is really Side A and which is Side B.

Cast your vote for your favorite of these two. The winner will be the unofficial REAL Side A!

Contender #1 - I Don’t Know

Contender #2 - Come On To Me

By the way… Sir Paul McCartney has a new album coming out in September 2018, titled “Egypt Station” Click the link to pre-order your copy today!

I’ll keep the voting open until Sunday, July 8 @ 3pm EST with results posted on Monday, July 9. 

There are no right or wrong votes, unless you vote for a song not listed as a contender or don’t vote at all.

I’d like to encourage you to visit the other bloggers participating in the battle of the bands as well. We’ve put a lot of time and effort into putting together these battles and they are a lot of fun. Each blogger has a different battle taking place. You can find a current list on Stephen’s blog (don't forget you can also request to join the battle of the bands blog hop by simply commenting on his blog that you'd like to join us).


  1. After the Beatles broke up I stopped keeping up with a lot of their music. I never bought any of McCartney's solo albums, but I enjoyed some his music that I heard on the radio.

    These songs don't do much to enhance Paul's musical legacy in my opinion. And this will be another McCartney album not in my collection. I thought the second song was kind of annoying to my ears. My vote goes to "I Don't Know".

    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks, Lee!

      Just goes to show that you don't have to be a fan to know what you like or don't like. Thanks for the vote :)


  2. MMQE ~

    This was a clever BOTB idea you came up with.

    Unlike Lee, I DID own a good number of Paul McCartney's solo / Wings music on LP back in those prehistoric years of the LP era. I think, considering their post-Beatles music, that McCartney was clearly the most talented of The Beatles...

    And that is pretty ironic when you consider that a number of people believe that McCartney really DID die while The Beatles were still together and was replaced by a McCartney lookalike whose supposed real name I've forgotten.

    I'm not saying that's true. But I'm not saying it isn't, either. I simply don't know because I've never spent any time examining the evidence beyond all the well known "Paul Is Dead" clues that The Beatles presumably incorporated into their album covers and music. But I will say this: It wouldn't shock me if that conspiracy theory is actually true. It wouldn't be the most outlandish theory I've ever investigated and found to be true.

    Anyway, on to the Battle...

    I'm voting for the more upbeat 'COME ON TO ME'. I felt 'I Don't Know' was a little too draggy, although I get the distinct impression that it's a song that might grow on me more as I listened to it further. But in this case, I listened to both songs twice and preferred the second one.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'

    1. Howdy Mr Stephen!

      Two votes in and already a tie! LOL The outcome is going to be quite interesting.

      I think the 'Paul is Dead' conspiracies are a bunch of bunk. Especially after watching Carpool Karaoke with Paul McCartney the other day. (Good Lord! Am I really using 'reality' style tv be my guide for this?) I thought the stops they made to the various places that played major roles in McCartney's life as well as the stories were convincing.

      As for 'I Don't Know' the more you listen [to it] it does grow on you. Personally speaking, I think the intro could have been shorter.

      Both songs have that classic McCartney sound and feel to them. Both catchy after a few listens.

      Thanks for stopping in and I hope you're having a great weekend!


    2. MMQE ~

      I've been meaning to watch that Carpool Karaoke with McCartney. I'd never even heard of it until a coworker recommended it to me about a week and a half ago.

      Many years ago, I learned the hard way not to pronounce judgment on anything until I've conducted my own investigation. I heard a story someone told on a radio program and I scoffed, thinking it was the most ludicrous thing I'd ever heard...

      And now for "THE REST OF THE STORY":

      Some years later, I got into the subject and realized that the crazy story I'd heard on the radio was most likely TRUE.

      I learned from that mistake. (I don't learn from ALL of my mistakes, but I did learn from THAT one.) And since then, I have taken the position of "No Final Judgment", regardless of how ridiculous something may seem on the surface, until I can look into the topic for myself.

      So, I don't currently believe that McCartney died in the '60s, because I don't have any solid reasons right now to think that. But at the same time, I'd be open-minded enough to consider any evidence that someone wanted to present to me. I'm aware of many of the supposed album cover clues, and some of them ARE rather eyebrow-raising.

      I wouldn't mind looking deeper into that subject but there are so many other more important matters to think about that I probably never will find the time.

      ~ D-FensDogG
      STMcC Presents 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS'

    3. Stephen~

      That particular Carpool Karaoke is a good one. Some of the more recent ones have kinda stunk. When they first came out, they were pretty decent. But I will let you form your own opinion there.

      I was thinking about those album covers today. Makes me wonder if they weren't just a play off of the supposed rivalry between John and Paul. The things we do for ego ;)

      Hope you're having a good week. Mine just turned incredibly sad, so I'm probably going to bury myself with more blogging and blogging tasks in hopes to change the mood here.


  3. Interesting premise, pitting an artist against himself. I've never been a fan of McCartney's solo work, but the first one sounds better to me, so let's go with "I Don't Know".

    1. Thanks, Debbie!

      It's just something a little different. Hopefully, the pace of the battle will pick up. Being a weekend and then a holiday isn't helping much.

      Thanks for stopping in with your vote!


  4. Mary,

    We own a two or three of The Beatles albums and if I'm not mistaken we even own one of Paul McCartney & The Wings album but I can't swear to it. One of my favorite songs from the 70s is "Silly Love Song". :)

    After listening to both songs, which btw I like a lot, twice I'm giving my vote to "I DON'T KNOW". It just suited my mood the best this morning, I think. I dare say if I came back later McCartney's other song might sway me. And, what's this about Paul McCartney died while with the Beatles? I've not heard this conspiracy theory before. I've often wonder if Elvis is really dead but I think those who have a passion for the limelight would eventually want to be back in it. Cool battle! I do not have a battle this time but will mid-month.

    1. Hello Cathy!

      Glad that I could make your morning and share with you some new songs. I honestly don't know much about the "Paul is dead" conspiracy, but as I mentioned to Mr Stephen earlier in my comments, I ain't buying it.

      Thanks for your vote!


  5. It was interesting to listen to both songs from such a famous and accomplished artist as Paul McCartney. Although I must admit I hadn't heard either song before, I actually enjoyed them both. However I feel that the first one just had more soul. Therefore my vote would go to "I don't know".

    1. Thanks Nicole!

      I appreciate you taking the time to vote in this battle.


  6. I've always been a Beatles fan and I even remember studying their lyrics as poetry for Mr. Harrington's English class my Junior year. Pretty funny, dissecting Eleanor Rigby at Rigby High School. Honestly, between the two, I prefer the the more upbeat Come on to me. As you said, the intro to "I don't know" was waaaaay too long!

    1. Hey there Mike!

      Odd that you would bring up Mr Harrington's class, being so close to our reunion time. I don't remember him teaching English, but it makes sense that he would, as he taught all of the other languages. Good to see you here again :) Thanks for stopping in with your vote!


  7. i prefer the first one. i have not heard of these before. it was quite interesting to listen to both of them.

    1. Hi Nina

      These are both new releases - so that's most likely why you havent heard them before. Thanks for stopping by with your vote :)


  8. I didn't realize he had a new album coming out! It was actually pretty hard to pick a favorite because i like a little of each one for different reasons! The first I really like the lyrics and the second I really like the beat of it. But I think Ill go with the second one Come On To Me. I can't get the beat out of my head now!

    1. Hi Paige Marie

      I can see the different qualities in both as well. It will definitely be interesting to see how the voting goes. Thanks for stopping in.

  9. i actually had no idea that a new album was out! As someone who doesn't really listen to McCartney, I really value his lyrics and how he composes his work! I actually am really enjoying listening to the "Come On To Me" :)

    1. Thanks Cait!

      Sometimes old becomes new :) I'm glad that you are enjoying his newest tunes. Thanks for stopping by with your vote.


  10. I really like the first version ;) it's so harmonious and peaceful!

    1. Hi Lena!

      It's actually two different songs - but I'll get you marked down as a vote for the first song. Thanks for dropping in!


  11. You can be my Yoko Ono, you can follow me wherever I go.... ;-) Song two for me, please

    1. Thanks, Renata!

      Another vote for Come On To Me. The numbers are close. Looking like a nailbiter right to the very end.


  12. Mary, I made it here! Yay! How cool is this that your introducing McCartney's new songs, just released less than 2 weeks ago! I don't know which song should be the REAL A side; I like both of them actually, but they are so different. I'm listening to each a third time right now. I think I'm going to give my vote to the second one, "Come On to Me". I guess I like the up tempo of that one better.
    I could come back tomorrow and choose the 1st one so I guess it's a mood thing. Give me the #2 please.

    I was so into the mysterious album and musical clues to the Paul is Dead conspiracy theory. I was young but remember that one of the substitute teachers in school brought in a record player and told us about how the clues were in the music when the songs were played backward and she demonstrated some of them. We were all wide-eyed kids and she was young, like hippie-ish so it was all very cool. Over the years I had read many articles about the clues and the theories on whether it was a marketing ploy that the Beatles were in on, but then they've given interviews on how they were so taken aback by how people were interpreting and picking apart their album cover photo and finding clues where they say there really are none. Who knows, it could've been the record company behind the whole thing, unbeknowest to the band, in an effort to get folks to go buy the record. I wouldn't put that past the industry, especially back in those days.
    It's all very fascinating and a really fun read when you dig deep into it. I was surprised in reading Cathy K's comment that she wasn't aware of the whole Paul is Dead thing. She must be younger than me. Well, hell, who isn't these days?! :)

    Hey, did I read somewhere that Paul's artwork is somehow involved? Is that his artwork in the video images? I'm too tired to go looking for where I might have read something to that effect. It's been a long day, lots of dogs, lots of rain, and I'm ready to check out tonight.

    Fun battle! And thanks for bringing us the latest in McCartney's solo works!
    Happy 4th! Did you catch any fireworks tonight? Did you do anything fun for the holiday?
    Let's regroup on our chat about next month's (or is it this month??) battle collaboration...
    talk soon,

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Hey Michele!

      You made it! Hope the doggies survived all those fireworks. I watched the neighborhood fireworks from my front window and then tried to get some sleep. Of course, just when you think it's over and it's been good and quiet for 30 minutes someone else comes along and shoots off even more. I really wanted to get up early so I could drag my tail over to the laundry before it gets too hot here. That didn't happen. I've accomplished the draggin tail, but I don't think I'm going anywhere. Hopefully I will get around to my Monday visits and get some posts written.

      I think you are correct about Paul's artwork. I recall hearing something about that as well, and I do think perhaps that it is what we see on the videos and the album cover. I'll have to look into that.

      Hit me up later and we'll chat about those upcoming battles...


  13. I would definitely have to say contender number 1. I am a huge fan of songs with instrumentals, and this song was lovely to listen to.

    1. Thank you!

      This has been an incredible battle. Be sure to check out the post on Monday to see the final results.


  14. Paul McCartney could sit at the piano for an hour and compose twelve songs that sound better than anything on the radio today. Just my opinion.

    I like both these songs, and downloaded them as soon as I knew they were available. As for which would make a better Side A, "Come On To Me" has more of that sound. Trim most of the piano off the beginning of "I Don't Know," and it could be the Side A; the piano solo doesn't add anything and sets a dark mood, which I don't feel listening to the rest of the song. So, as is, "Come On To Me" is my choice.

    1. Hi John!

      Another vote for "Come On To Me". I agree, it does have the great uptempo that is needed for a Side A.

      Thanks for stopping in with your vote!


  15. Whew I almost missed this one! I would definitely say I Don't Know is Side A--Come On To Me bored me a bit--so I think that should be side B!

    1. Hi Miki!

      So glad that you made it in time! This has been one interesting battle, for sure. Be sure to check in on Monday when I have the results posted.


  16. Thank you everyone for your votes and participation! You can find the battle results in This Link


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