#4M - Back To School 2018

Monday is here again!  Our Musical Conductor for the month of September is  Cathy of ‘Curious As A Cathy’  and she has picked some pretty good ones for this month.

Today is our “Free Choice” day and that means we can go with anything we want.

Since we’re in the month of September, and I have not yet posted my annual ‘Back to School’ songs, I figured today would be as good as any to do that.

Today the songs are all new-to-me. Hey! it’s school-time and that means we all have to learn something new, right?

My graduating high school class celebrated their 35th year reunion this year. I didn’t go - because who wants to hang out with old people? Just kidding - I didn’t go because I stay in touch with many of my classmates online (we had a pretty close-knit class) and I couldn’t justify the cost. (Dang. maybe I *am* old!)

At any rate - here is today’s setlist:

  • Paul Overstreet - Billy Can't Read
  • Pete Seeger -  What Did You Learn In School Today
  • Busted - What I Go To School For
  • Bowling for Soup - High School Never Ends
  • Soulja Boy - First Day of School

What other songs can you think of that would be good for this theme? Tell me about it in the comments below.

Also, if you haven't voted in the most recent battle of the bands, I would LOVE it if you took a moment to do so. (The link will open a new window, so you won't lose your place here)

Today’s post is part of the Monday’s Music Moves Me blog hop, hosted by X-Mas Dolly, and co-hosted by JAmerican Spice, Stacy Uncorked, Curious as a Cathy. , and Ramblin with AM. Be sure to stop by the hosts and visit the other participants.  If you have a MUSIC* post, feel free to join in the fun! *sorry non-music posts are not permitted in this bloghop.


  1. Paul Overstreet has such a clean clear country voice. I had forgotten just how good he was. Thanks for sharing his music today. Have a blessed week.

    1. Thanks, Driller!

      I was going to use Don Henley's Johnny Can't Read, but wasn't able to find a video that wasn't restricted to regions. Paul Overstreet was a good compromise.

      I hope you have a great week as well.


  2. Very nice songs. I like them all. Bowling for Soup is a classic. Thanks for sharing them.

    1. Hey There Patrick!

      I was pleasantly surprised with the finds for this topic today. And all were new to me.

      Thanks for stopping by. Have a Great Week!


  3. Mary,

    I haven't heard that Pete Seeger's song in forever. That was such a hoot to hear after many years. Thanks for sharing such a fun theme on the dance floor, dearie!

    1. Thanks, Cathy!

      I had a lot of fun putting this one together. All the songs were new-to-me.


  4. wow have never heard of any of those artists will have to check them out thanks.
    joy at http://www.thejoyousliving.com

    1. Hi Joy!

      I had heard of a few of them, but I wasn't familiar with their music. This was a great find for me.


  5. I've heard of Bowling for Soup and Soulja Boy but haven't heard these songs. I loved Bowling for Soup! Pete Seeger, I remember that song from so long ago but now I'm listening to it as a senior citizen. Soulja Boy I burst out laughing, especially at the part where the person trying to figure out the lyrics kind of gave up. Thanks for the smile!

    1. Hi Alana!

      It's the little things that make it fun! Glad that you enjoyed this post. I've just spent my day pre-writing all my posts for October 4M. Just have one more to go... Then I get to fill in the blanks for the rest of the days.

      Thanks for stopping by!



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