#SongLyricSunday "Search"

Time again for Song Lyric Sunday! 

The Idea was formed by Helen @ This Thing Called Life One Word At A Time. She has presented us with the word prompt of SEARCH for this week.

Searching… Searching… Searching…

It seems I’ve been searching all my life.  For what, exactly, I’m not sure. Perhaps that is why I’m still searching.  I’ve looked inward of myself, and I’ve looked outward at others. Yet, I still search.

One day, I will be able to say the search is over. Hopefully it won’t be 15 minutes before my last breath.

Check out Helen’s post for rules for participating in this musical word prompt blog hop.

I’d like to take a quick moment to invite you to join me in a month-long Blog Hop during the month of October.  Don’t let the month-long thing scare you away. You can participate as many times as you’d like during the month. There will be a fresh linky each day.  Click the image below for more information.



  1. I noticed on Helen's post that you were not sure why your pingbacks aren't working. I hope you don't mind, but I checked it out. You must have a link to her current theme page somewhere on your post. You have a general link. The one you want for this week is https://helenswordsoflife.com/2018/09/29/song-lyric-sunday-theme-for-9-30-18/. I think if you try that (and use the new one next week you should be okay.

    1. Hi..

      Actually, I have the correct link in this post twice. I don't have a general link. Did you hover over or actually click the link?

      Thanks, though.


    2. She may have to approve it, if you haven't had a comment before or maybe she has it set to approve all?

    3. That was me, Tara, from DaisySmileyFace.com :-)

    4. I think it has more to do with Blogger communicating (or not-communicating) with Word Press. I'm good with leaving my link as a comment.


    5. That's what it is, Mary: Blogger doesn't do pingbacks in Wordpress (or, for that matter, in Blogger). You have to go over to Helen's blog and leave a comment with the URL. I know, one more thing to think about...

    6. That's not a problem for me John, I am usually on her post anyway visiting participants, so it's really not an issue for me to just add my link in the comments.

  2. Hi there, nice to meet you. Great post and song. Just made my day 😊

  3. This is the first song that came to my mind! Just wasn't in an 80s ballad-y mood today. :-) Hope you find what you're searching for.... ... ....

    1. Thanks, Tara!

      I've been listening and writing about a lot of Rock as my October is going to become 'Rocktober'. The ballad was a nice off-set to help cleanse the palate so to speak.

      Thanks for stopping by with your .03


  4. Someone else used this song, only her version was by The Ides of March (Jim Peterik was in both and still at it). It's a great song, regardless.

    1. Yeah, I saw that. I didn't put a lot of thought into this one this week. I've been busy preparing for the upcoming month. Hope all is well! See you tomorrow for #4M and hopefully #BattleoftheBands


  5. Great choice, haven't heard this one in awhile. Also, you can count me in for your Rocktober Blog Hop, I've already grabbed the badge! :D

    1. Thank you!

      I am truly excited about this upcoming month.


  6. YESSSSS! Love this one! Survivor never got the credit they were due and got pigeon-holed way too fast. Great share.

  7. Creation, creation, the drama and passion of creation!

  8. This is such a great song. I hadn't heard it in ages, to thanks for the reminder! ;)


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