#4M : Bob Rivers Christmas Music

Today’s theme for #MondaysMusicMovesMe or #4M has been chosen by Marie of Xmas Dolly.  She has chosen all of the themes for the month of December.  As her name implies, she is a big fan of the Christmas Holiday, and as such has she has chosen the entire month to be Holiday music. Let the collective groan begin.

This week three of our four week Christmas tour.

I’m still not quite ready to settle down and be serious.  I’ve always enjoyed a good laugh.

A few decades ago, I purchased a handful of CDs put out by a Seattle radio DJ.  He had a flare for twisting Christmas tunes and making them a lot of fun to listen to.  Having spent 20 years in the drizzly Pacific Northwest, I’ve come to appreciate the lightheartedness of Bob Rivers.

I still have those CDs in my possession today.

I did a search on YouTube for Bob River’s Christmas and sorted by view count. And that is how I came up with today’s playlist. I’m sharing the top 10 songs from that sort.

  • 12 Pains of Christmas
  • Eminem - Jingle Bells (don’t let the title fool you. This is really Bob River)
  • Police Stop My Car
  • Chipmunks Roasting On An Open Fire
  • AC/DC - Jingle Hells Bells (again, don’t let the title fool you!)
  • I Am Santa Claus
  • White Trash Christmas
  • Walking Round In Womens Underwear
  • The Chimney Song
  • The Restroom Door Said Gentlemen

For those of you who are a bit more traditionalist - do not fret.  I’ve got something special just for you next week.


Today’s post is part of the Monday’s Music Moves Me blog hop, hosted by X-Mas Dolly, and co-hosted by JAmerican Spice, Stacy Uncorked, Curious as a Cathy. , and Ramblin with AM. Be sure to stop by the hosts and visit the other participants.  If you have a MUSIC* post, feel free to join in the fun! *sorry non-music posts are not permitted in this bloghop.


  1. Mary,

    I love Bob Rivers Christmas song parodies! He's very clever with his lyrics. I've used many of these features in past Friday Sillies and if you recall I even did a Twisted Christmas #BoTB last December. I really needed a laugh after last week's fiasco which resulted in damaging our old Camry's driver door and hurting my leg. *smack forehead* I'm okay. My leg is bruised badly as is my ego. I'll survive, though. ;) Have a joyfully blessed Christmas and thank you for joining the 4M gang on the dance floor, my friend! XO

    1. Cathy

      So sorry to hear you are having a bit of a rough go of things. I sure do hope that this coming year is much kinder to you. I'm glad that I could bring a smile to your face. Next week, it's all about tradition!


  2. Bob River has always made me smile and laugh with his music during the holidays! We all could use some humor in our lives especially this time of year when things can be so stressful!!

    1. I agree with you Holly!

      This year has been pretty stressful - but then it seems to always be stressful this time of year. I've goofed around for three weeks now, next week it's time to get a little bit serious.


  3. Very nice lighthearted songs. Thanks for sharing them. I enjoyed them very much.

    1. Thanks, Patrick!

      Mondays are usually good for a laugh, right?


  4. That does it... I gotta have more Bob Rivers! Great list!

    1. Ha! I cant believe how many of his albums I have collected over the years. He just makes the season a little bit brighter for me.


  5. Christmas song parodies are such a hoot aren't they? Eminem is weird.. I've never heard that one, but my son wants to know where have I been under a rock? I guess so.. dang! Police did a what... bwahahahaha I love this one I can't stop laughing!!! AC/DC - Jingle Hells Bells (again, don’t let the title fool you!) hahahaha ho ho ho!!! Oh my, I don't know if I can take anymore!!! Okay.. I'm not going to sleep on Christmas Eve... because I don't want SANTA in my house anymore! HOLY HELLS BELLS What the heck was that??? I'm not letting that Santa in! LOL... great one my friend!

    1. LOL They really are a lot of fun. Don't worry, you'll really enjoy next week's post.



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