#BattleOfTheBands Results : Make It Rain

The conclusion of the second installment of Battle of the Bands for the month of February has arrived. In what could have been a really really bad idea, this particular battle turned out pretty decent.

Why would it have been disastrous? Well… we generally don’t like to use the original artist in the battles because it is almost always a blowout, with the original artist being the winner.

But every once in a while, we come across a contender that is worthy of going up against the original artist. I found such a contender in this battle.  I felt that both were strong in their artistry and they both brought something a little different to the song.

This song in particular is quite haunting for me, and my brain replays clips of the final scenes from the television show Sons of Anarchy.  I replayed those brain clips for each version trying to decide which was the better fit.

Ed Sheeran tells a compelling story with his version of the song. It was his version that was used on the show series, and it was his version that made the song ‘known to the masses’.

The original artist, Foy Vance, is about 17 years older than Ed, and I felt a lot more life experience come across in the message of his version. I felt that raw emotion just a bit more. And therefore, I am casting my vote for Foy Vance.

The final tally -
Ed Sheeran with 11 votes
Foy Vance with 8 votes

Now you know, I can’t just post about a battle and not share more music with you.  So I’ve put together a playlist of Foy Vance tunes.  I hope that you will enjoy them.

What did you think of this battle? Have you ever been influenced by the music in a television show?

Be sure to come back on the 1st for another battle. I’m not sure what I’ve got planned just yet - I have a few ideas brewing in my head. We’ll just have to see what formulates and shakes out.


  1. I figured Ed would win, but Foy didn't do too badly at all. Good Battle.

    I've used at least one Battle where the song came directly from a TV show and I think TV influenced maybe another Battle or more. I can't remember exactly and my poor memory might be an influence of watching too much TV.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks Lee

      I think it's interesting how many different outside influences help us make our decisions.

  2. I went with Ed, but get what you mean about Foy Vance. Loved the playlist you put up here, Mary. He is a major talent, for sure.

    1. Thanks, Debbie!

      I hadn't given him much thought until this battle, and then I realized he has some good tunes out there. It wont be long before he will be the main act..

  3. Terrific Battle, MMQE.

    >>... we generally don’t like to use the original artist in the battles because it is almost always a blowout, with the original artist being the winner.

    Mmmm.... I think it's mostly a problem only when the original song was actually a hit. People tend to think that's the way it's "SUPPOSED" to sound simply because that's the way they got to know it on the radio.

    But I have never shied away from using an original song by the original artist in a Battle so long as the song is somewhat obscure (i.e., was not a Top 40 hit).

    For example, if I used Gordon Lightfoot's 'Sundown', I'd just be begging for a shutout. But I could use his lesser known song 'Wherefore And Why' against a cover and get away with it.

    >>... I’m not sure what I’ve got planned just yet - I have a few ideas brewing in my head

    Songs about beer? ;-)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Hey CCB

      I get what you're saying about original artists and hit songs. I usually just try to find 2 decent versions to use in battles. That in itself is a challenge sometimes.

      Hmmm songs about beer. Great. Now I have even more options for the First. I hate being indecisive. Such a girl!

      See you on the First - or thereabouts.


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