#AtoZChallenge : Zoo

We’re back again with more fun with the A to Z Challenge.

A quick review of what we’re doing here:

I’ll post 2 to 3 songs with a word that represents the letter of the day. In the comments, you’ll share songs that also use said word in either the title or lyrics.  Pretty easy, and loads of fun!

Today’s word is “Zoo”

From Dictionary.com:

Tom Petty “Zombie Zoo”

Scorpions “The Zoo”

Dr Hook “Jungle To The Zoo”

And that’s my 3 ‘Zoo’ songs for the day.  Let’s see what ‘Zoo’ songs you come up with. Share in the comments.

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  1. Simon and Garfunkel, "At The Zoo." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xKLBne1CoI

    I'm no Simon and Garfunkel fan, but I like that song.

  2. You got the only ones I could think of. Congrats on finishing the A to Z. It's been fun playing along.

    Janet’s Smiles

    1. Thanks, Janet!

      It's been a crazy ride this month. So many things went a bit awry for me. Be sure to check out my reflections post for details. Thank you so much for stopping by and playing along!

  3. Great selection!

    Happy birthday to you, you live in a zoo...
    Zoo Station by U2

    I can't think of more. I had loads of fun with your theme :-)

    Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge music and writing: Zigging and Zagging

    1. LOL @ birthday song!

      I sure so appreciate you taking the time to stop by and visit!

  4. I can't think of any zoo songs. Songs with animals? Yes. Zoo songs, no. Interesting A-Z theme!

    With Love,

    1. Thanks, Mandy!

      This one was a bit tougher, that's for sure. Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. Scorpions "The Zoo" is my favourite. ☺
    Congratulations on completing the A to Z challenge, Mary. Great theme!

    1. Thanks, Debbie!

      It was definitely a fun theme, and I want to do it again. One of these years I'm going to participate and not have anything go wrong.

  6. Way ta go girlfriend! Woo Hoo We made it all the way to the end and you got some great tunes for Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz You've done an absolute incredible job!!! Sorry I'm so late, I just wasn't up to par yesterday. BIG HUGS!!! wOO hOO!!!!

  7. Mary,

    I'm running a bit behind with your A2Z posts. Will you eventually share all these links in one post? Just curious but not necessary. I will try to backtrack catching the ones I'm late on. Zoo is an unique word to use for song titles. I don't even remember any of the features you shared and I certainly can't think of any songs with 'Zoo' in the title. I'm gonna cheat...again. hee-hee

    U2 ~ 'Zoo Station'
    Simon & Garfunkel ~ 'At the Zoo'
    My Little Airport ~ 'The Okay Thing To Do On A Sunday Afternoon Is To Toddle In The Zoo'

    There you have it three songs picks by me with the help of Google. I don't know how you came up with yours but pickins are slim for sure!

    A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch 'Zeus'

  8. These are good choices as I would never have figured out which ones. The first one that came into my head was a song done by Bing Crosby in the film Going My Way which is called Swinging on a star but he sings about all the animals in the zoo.


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