#4M: Scotland Rocks

  Our guest musical conductor this month is Me! I get to choose our themes this month. All month long, Jingle Jangle Jungle celebrates Rocktober. You can follow the posts labeled #RMF2020, and you can also join in the celebration if you’d like. There’s more detail about the celebration here.

Today, in honor of Rocktober, I’ve made a simple challenge to the group of Monday’s Music Moves Me participants to choose a country and build a playlist of rock music from that country.

The Country that I’ve chosen for this task is:  Scotland

I’m only going with 5 bands for now, as I intend to make a stop in Scotland at some point with Musical Road Trip.

Well, alrighty then… Let’s get to it!  

Please enjoy this week’s playlist:

  1. Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
  2. The LaFontaines - Under The Storm
  3. Bay City Rollers - Rock ‘n Roll Love Letter
  4. Pilot - Magic
  5. Nazareth - Love Hurts

Today’s post is part of the Monday’s Music Moves Me blog hop, hosted by X-Mas Dolly, and co-hosted by Stacy Uncorked, Curious as a Cathy. , and Ramblin with AM. Be sure to stop by the hosts and visit the other participants.  If you have a MUSIC* post, feel free to join in the fun! *sorry non-music posts are not permitted in this blog hop.


  1. Scotland had some good bands, for sure. I didn't know Nazareth was from there. Thanks for the education!

    1. That one was a surprise to me as well. I love learning new things about the music and artists. Thanks for stopping in, and especially thanks for joining this week's theme.

  2. Scotland - a country I'd love to visit one day. Someone I went to high school with (New York City) ended up marrying a native and moving to Scotland. They have a grown daughter who moved to...New York City, to pursue a fashion career. Anyway...I didn't know the first two groups, knew the last three. Some nice music here. We were talking about Pilot's song just the other day as my husband couldn't remember who did that song. Thank you Scotland!

    1. The second one was a new to me as well, but they did a great job representing their country. As I made my rounds to the others I was nice to see all the different countries represented.

  3. Such a great playlist of those from Scotland. Very nice.

  4. Love Scotland. Never been though but would love to.

    Some good tunes there :)

    1. My ancestors are from there, but I've never been. I'd love to see where my heritage is from.

  5. I was tempted to do Scotland, and now I'm glad I didn't. Great job with this!

  6. I've heard a few of the tunes, but just never knew who they were by. Guess my era is a while back. My brother was six yrs. older than myself & he was the jitterbug days. So mine was 1960's and up. I know I'm an old broad, huh? Sorry! My mom was really hepped up on music too, but she was the big band era. I listen to everything and when I divorced early never really had time for music except to and from work. Okay, sorry babbling here. Your first tune was really neat. Can't say I ever heard the next tune, but the 3rd oh yeah, I know that one. Oh, oh, oh it's magic... hahaha good thing you can't hear me! lol Oh yeah, I know your last tune. Love hurts great tune for the last set of the night. Hubby use to play that on his lead, and he use to sing this one too sometimes with the lead singer. Hubby did harmonies! Yep, great song. Thanks for picking that one and thanks for being our Honorary Conductor for this month. Now if you're looking for a month for next year January, March, June and hmmmm that's all I can remember. Well, just let Cathy or myself know & will pencil you in for sure. YOU SURE CAN ROCK THE HOUSE GIRLFRIEND! hugs and stay healthy, stay safe and don't forget that mask!!! hugs.........

    1. I was going to go with a different tune for Bay City Rollers, but thought perhaps it had been a bit overdone. I'll give a think on a month for 2021. Just as things were starting to settle down for me this year, they got crazy again this week. These darn doctors and their tests! I've got an idea going around in my head for next year that will take place on Wednesdays, but is similar to Monday's - but slightly different. I'll have to see how these next few weeks go before I make any real decisions.


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