Update: BOTB Results and More!

Well hello there! It’s been a minute or two, hasn’t it?  

I was going to include all of this in my Monday Post, but it got lengthy, so I’ve split it off from the Monday post. 

This year is not off to a great start for me. While it’s not quite 2020, too - I do find myself doing many of the same things I did in 2020.  It all started off with a visit to my oncologists office on the 3rd. 

Let me tell you… This COVID is really taking a toll on our healthcare workers. In this very same office, I have gone through FIVE different docs since Jan 2020. I saw my primary care doc on the 14th. He informed me he had seen 166 patients with symptoms of this new variant just in the past week. (Don’t worry, I wasn't there for symptoms - I just needed a new prescription to treat my thyroid - as my TSH numbers are a bit off and I can’t seem to make it through a day without having to take a friggin nap!) 

Anyhoo.. The oncology docs didn’t like something they saw (not oncology related) and I’ve now got appointments for wound care twice a week...  I’m two years out from my recurrence of cancer, and I suspect that after I have this next MRI, they will either cut me loose or see me every 6 months instead of every 3 -  so there is a bright side to all of this.   

But enough about that… I’ve got some things to do here!

First up… Battle of Bands Results from Jan 1

The battle was for songs titled ‘New Years Day’.  Bon Jovi vs U2.  U2 won easily with 4 votes to Bon Jovi’s 2.  I have no idea yet what I’ll be doing for the February Battle so stay tuned and we’ll all be surprised together.

Next up…. Wednesday’s Weekly Challenge

I took a hiatus during November and December with the plan to start up again in January. It’s clearly a cumbersome task for me at the moment, so I think I will be extending my hiatus until I can get these medical appointments under control. Also, I would like some input from participants regarding the themes for the challenges, perhaps even a volunteer or two to help run them. 

And Finally… Throwback Thursdays

When I started my hiatus for Wednesday Weekly Challenge, I also took a hiatus for Throwback Thursday posts.  I do plan to bring this back at some point - possibly after the drugs have kicked in and I’m not so damned tired. 

I think that about covers everything for now. Be sure to check back tomorrow for a Monday’s Music Moves Me Post.  It’s Free Choice week, and I’ve got a special ‘Under the Influence’ post planned. 

Until then… I leave you with a song that has got me though many a tough day. Lyrics are in the video… 


  1. I wish you well on your health travails. A few weeks ago I went to the emergency room on a Monday morning and I was shocked at how few people were there. The place was practically empty of anyone seeking medical help. My personnel were very attentive and after some tests they concluded nothing was wrong and I was in great health. I could have sworn I was having a cardiac crisis, but I guess it was just stress from our home upgrade issues. Since then I've felt great for the most part.

    Hiatus sounds good. I'm thinking to cut back more and then jump into full swing for April A to Z. But I'm going to just take things as they come. Like usual.

    Hope your 2022 turns out to be an outstanding year for you. For all of us!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. I am doing my own music fest every Wednesday until you start up again but you need to take it easy and feel like it is fun and not a chore. I think of songs that bring in "Crazy". Songs that came out on your birthday. Wedding songs, War songs. Oscar winning songs, Songs that should have won the Oscar or even should have been nominated. Songs one is sick of/over-used. Rolling Stones songs (lost a big name last year), Monkey's songs(again lost a big name). Funny songs. That's all from me right now. I have no idea how to do up links and be a host so i will just provide suggestions.
    I hope you will be feeling better and that nothing is wrong from the tests they are performing. I'm glad you don't have covid and that you have been given meds to counteract the tiredness you feel.

  3. Hi Mary, I'm glad you don't have COVID and that things are looking positive for you, healthwise. Thyroid issues I'm familiar with. It's a special kind of fatigue that overwhelms, at times. Take good care of yourself and enjoy your more relaxed blogging schedule.

  4. Mary,

    Life has given you some lemons but you find a way to make lemon aid every time. You're certainly no quitter that's for sure and I love your attitude. You're in my prayers. Keep on keeping on, do what works for you at your pace. We'll all hang back to wait for you. Thanks for sharing the update. Sending love, hugs, and prayers your way, dearie!

  5. Keep on rocking mary,
    We wish you a great life ahead.


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