Battle of the Joker

Hello April!

I was a bit torn trying to come up with today’s battle. I thought that as today is April Fool’s Day, I would go with that theme. 

Today’s covers are not superb, but they are not terrible either. 

Our song for today’s battle is: Steve Miller Band’s The Joker

Wikipedia tells us this about the song:

"The Joker" is a song by the Steve Miller Band from their 1973 album The Joker. Released as a single in October 1973, the song topped the US Billboard Hot 100 in early 1974 and reached the top 20 in Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands. More than 16 years later, in September 1990, "The Joker" reached number one on the UK Singles Chart for two weeks after being used in "Great Deal", a Hugh Johnson-directed television advertisement for Levi's, thus holding the record for the longest gap between transatlantic chart-toppers. This reissue of "The Joker" also topped the Irish Singles Chart, the New Zealand Singles Chart, the Dutch Nationale Top 100, and the Dutch Top 40.

English musician Fatboy Slim covered "The Joker" and released it as a single on February 28, 2005. This version reached number 32 on the UK Singles Chart and number 29 in Ireland.

The first contender is Cave Canem

Or second contender is SkaZoo


Are you curious about the other song I thought about using today?

It was the I-95 song by August Campbell

In the event that you are new here, or you have simply forgotten… Here’s a review of how a battle works:

  1. Listen to each of the contenders. Try not to be persuaded by the videos. I like to close my eyes and let the music transport me. 

  2. Pick the contender that you prefer the most

  3. Leave a comment with the name of the contender you have chosen. Feel free to expound upon your choice. 

  4. Visit the other bloggers that have battles taking place. Their battles are different from each other, so be sure to check them out.  *I think this is a recent list, if not, Cathy keeps a current list on her battle posts.  

    1. Stephen McCarthy 

    2. Tossing It Out

    3. Mike’s Ramblings

    4. The Sound of One Hand Typing

    5. Curious As A Cathy

Alright now… Cast your votes in the comments! Did I make the right song choice for today? 


  1. Mary,

    It took me hearing both songs twice before I knew which I liked best and that's the reggae version. I'm not huge reggae fan but sometimes when stacked against the more traditional sound it somehow appeals to me more, maybe it's because it's different or maybe it's because it adds a fun vibe to the cover. Oh well, whatever the reason please give my vote to Skazoo! Have a bandtastic day.

    Sending love and prayers your way, my dear!

    Licence to Kill BOTB Showdown

  2. It didn't take me long to pick one. These aren't the best covers, but they are decent bands. Any barfly who had the opportunity to listen to them wouldn't complain (thinking of that country bar scene in Blues Brothers). I wish we knew more about the origin of the lyrics, but they do seem to lend themselves to a reggae rendition if not originally inspired by reggae. My vote goes to Skazoo.

  3. I don't know the I-95 song but I know the highway well.

    This is a good song choice for April Fools day. Both versions are pretty good. I had to go back and forth about these. In the end I had to go with Cave Canem's more true to the original version. I preferred their instrumentation and vocals to the reggae version. It was a bit rough in parts, but over all more my preferred style.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  4. I liked Cave Canem's version better. I vote for them.

  5. MMQE ~

    This is one of those songs that I think almost everyone likes.

    And who knew that Steve Miller knew 'The Good Book'?...

    You're the cutest thing that I ever did see
    I really love your peaches
    Wanna shake your tree
    ~ Steve Miller
    'The Joker'

    How fair and how pleasant you are,
    O love, with your delights!
    This stature of yours is like a palm tree,
    And your breasts like its clusters.
    I said, “I will go up to the palm tree,
    I will take hold of its branches.”
    ~ Song Of Solomon

    This was a tough round for me in BOTB, because I liked nearly all of the match-ups and yours is no exception. I had to listen to BOTH recordings twice each before finally settling on SkaZoo. I guess mainly because it was *different* but not TOO *different*.

    The singer in the first band was gettin' pretty funky with the vocals toward the end of the song. I wish he'd done it earlier and longer, as he might have won my bote that way.

    Goot Battle, Mary!

    ~ D-FensDogG

  6. This was a tough one, surprizingly, for me but, in the end, I am going for the Great Gazoo..oops Skazoo. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I am not one for reggae but this seemed just the right amount and nicely laid back so they get my vote.


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