Call Me Battle

With the help of Mr Stephen T McCarthy, I’ve got a really fun battle lined up for you! 

This battle consists of several songs, so we’ve broken it up into challenge rounds. After the rounds are completed, the winners of each challenge will be put up against each other and we will determine which of these is the best of all time phone number songs. 

With all that being said, let’s get to it. 

Round #1, Contender #1 The Marvelettes

Round #1, Contender #2 Brenda Lee

In the event that you are new here, or you have simply forgotten… Here’s a review of how a battle works:

  1. Listen to each of the contenders. Try not to be persuaded by the videos. I like to close my eyes and let the music transport me. Keep an open mind and don’t be persuaded by the artist name. 

  2. Pick the contender that you prefer the most

  3. Leave a comment with the name of the contender you have chosen. Feel free to expound upon your choice. 

  4. Visit the other bloggers that have battles taking place. Their battles are different from each other, so be sure to check them out.  

    1. Stephen McCarthy 

    2. Tossing It Out

    3. Mike’s Ramblings

    4. The Sound of One Hand Typing

    5. Curious As A Cathy

Alright now… Cast your votes in the comments! Voting Results will be posted on the 8th of this month. 

Thank you again for the battle suggestion, Stephen T!


  1. What a fun idea! Come to think of it there are a lot of songs with the phone number concept. This should make for an interesting series of Battles.

    I well remember the Marvellettes though I'm not sure I recall this featured song. But it has all the sound of that day and that group. A bit jangly jarring for my present day tastes, but a nice trip down memory lane.

    Hands down my vote goes to Brenda Lee for the sharper cleaner sound and a fun jaunty tune. And it's Brenda Lee and she's got the magic in her music.

    A big vote for a little lady, Brenda Lee.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. There really are quite a few out there. I initially was only going to go with the handful that McCarthy suggested, but I may need to expand on the idea. I may have enough to outnumber Cathy's Bond theme.

  2. Love the bass behind Brenda Lee, who's a favorite anyway, so she gets my vote.

    1. Brenda Lee is doing well in this round, but will she be able to hold on to the title? It's going to be interesting finding out!

  3. Booth songs just a little old for me but I like other Marvelettes songs so we will go with them

    1. Hey Roger! Long time no see! Thanks for stopping in with your vote. Good to see your comments again.

  4. MMQE (Mary, Mary, Quite Extraordinary!) ~

    Based on the songs I previously mentioned to you (Shhh! Mum's the word), I have a strong hunch about which phone number song will likely win it all. And if I'm right, it won't be either of these two songs, even though I really like BOTH of these.

    I'd never even heard of Brenda Lee. But then probably about 1986 or '87, I heard 'Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree' on my car radio and I thought: UGH! That's the worst Christmas song of all time!!

    5-7 days later, I heard that same song again while driving and I thought: Oh, yeah, this is that same terrible Christmas song I heard last week.

    A few days later, I heard 'Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree' for the third time in my life, and I thought: Actually... that's not TOO bad.

    The following week the radio DJ played it again, and I thought: WHO DOES THAT SONG?!! I gotta buy me a copy of that!

    It was the only time in my life when I absolutely hated a song the first time I heard it but then I eventually grew to love it!

    That's what turned me into a huge Brenda Lee fan. To this day I have several of her albums on CD, and I'm in love with that cute little hitch in her voice. I know some people find that vocal hitch annoying, but I find it extremely endearing. If possible, I would have married Brenda Lee.

    There's an area near my house where I really enjoy taking very long walks. There are a whole lot of ranches in this area, with goats, geese, chickens, ducks and horses. There are even still some massively wide unpaved roads in this area which I nicknamed "The Ranchlands". There's also a street that runs through The Ranchlands called Bigelow. Every time I would see that street sign, it would make me think of Brenda Lee's song 'Bigelow 6-200'. And thinking about 'Bigelow 6-200' is what gave me the idea for a BOTB series utilizing phone number songs.

    As much as I like The Marvelettes' song, needless to say, I'm voting for my wife, BRENDA LEE, and her energetic Rockabilly number.

    NOTE: My Brother listened to both songs and although he too digs both, he's casting a vote for THE MARVELETTES and 'Beechwood 4-5789'.


    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Ah Stephen
      Here you are saving the day again! Or is it really Judge Al/Nappy doing the saving? I do appreciate his vote for the Marvelettes. They were feeling kind of lonely. I am curious, though... Why you didn't suggest Ms Karen Carpenter for that song? I may need to add her to the mix in another round. How would that play out? Two of your loves duking it out... But then again... You might like that..
      I'm going to try to make it around to everyone later today or Monday. I was kidnapped for the day and that turned into an extended stay.

    2. >>... Why you didn't suggest Ms Karen Carpenter for that song? I may need to add her to the mix in another round. How would that play out? Two of your loves duking it out... But then again... You might like that.

      For sure. Add a mud or Jello pit and some Speedos for me and it sounds like a good time.

      The Marvelette's version was a Top 20 hit -- the best known rendition of the song. And to be honest, as much as I've always loved The Carpenters, I never saw the point in them doing cover versions of famous Golden Oldies. It's their originals that I'm really fond of. Things like 'Beechwood...', 'Da Doo Ron Ron', 'Deadman's Curve', 'Johnny Angel'... I mean, why waste Karen's incredible voice on fluff like that?

      Yeah, there are lots more phone number songs you could use to expand the concept (which I figured you might want to do). I mentioned just those 4 because they were all major hits and/or because they represent 4 different musical genres: R&B/Soul, Rockabilly, Jazz/Big Band, and Rock/Pop.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  5. What a great concept! Two good contenders too. So good I had to resort to the shoelace test whereby whichever tune causes at least one shoe to come untied under my desk...okay, sometimes that happens for no reason at all. Anyway, the Marvelettes for me, please ;-)

    1. Shoelace test - that's a new one for me! I usually go with whichever one holds my attention the longest... Whatever works, right? Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I have to say, Brenda Lee's hiccup, chirpy sound was getting on my nerves. I much prefer the Marvellettes so they get my vote

    1. You got it! I have to admit - it's been a bit of an earworm for me this weekend.

  7. Interesting idea for a battle! I remember the Marvelettes' song and it sounded better to my ears. A vote for the Marvelettes!

    1. Thanks, Debbie D! This is turning out to be quite the interesting battle. Stephen suggested a few tunes, but I've been doing some research and we may be seeing a few rounds here. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Hey Mary,

    How are you doing? I'm glad you added your BOTB contribution to the party. Let me start by saying I like both songs and this is a cool concept for a battle series. In this round, I think I'm going with The Marvelettes. I'm not sure except their song just clicked with me. Have a boogietastic week, my dear!

    1. Hi Cathy!
      I would have done a post for today's 4M theme, but time just ran away from me. I'm trying real hard to get back into the swing of things. Thanks for dropping in with your vote!

  9. It's a great battle theme, especially as it isn't the same song going head to head but rather, a theme. Both songs new to me, but not the singers. Of the Marvelettes and Brenda Lee, I'm choosing the Marvelettes. I just liked the singing better. Sorry, Brenda, I still like 'ya!

    1. Alana, I hear that Brenda is quite the forgiving soul. I'm looking forward to doing a few rounds of this battle, each with different songs. Thanks for your vote today!


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