A Traditional Battle of the Bands

We interrupt the Call Me! Battles with a very special battle for January. 

For those of you who have followed Mr Stephen T McCarthy for some time, you already know. For those of you that are newish, or just haven’t paid attention - January 1 Battles have a bit of tradition in them. 

Mr McCarthy likes to refer to January 1 as Margarita Day, but there is another tradition as well - a special battle of the bands.

As you may or may not know, Stephen has helped me through some pretty tough days, and when I was coming up empty for what to use in my battles, he bailed me out by sharing a few of his battle ideas. This last idea has given me a boatload of inspiration and I’ve been able to fill up my calendar with battles.  As a Huge Thank You to him - I am also honoring his January battle tradition. 

So let’s get right to it!

Doris Day

Tiny Tim

In the event that you are new here, or you have simply forgotten… Here’s a review of how a battle works:

  1. Listen to each of the contenders. Try not to be persuaded by the videos. I like to close my eyes and let the music transport me. Keep an open mind and don’t be persuaded by the artist name. 

  2. Pick the contender that you prefer the most

  3. Leave a comment with the name of the contender you have chosen. Feel free to expound upon your choice. 

  4. Visit the other bloggers that have battles taking place. Their battles are different from each other, so be sure to check them out.  

    1. Stephen McCarthy 

    2. Tossing It Out

    3. Mike’s Ramblings

    4. The Sound of One Hand Typing

    5. Curious As A Cathy

    6. dIEDRE’s Stream Pebbles

Alright now… Cast your votes in the comments! Voting Results will be posted on the 8th of this month.  We’ll return to our regular scheduled Call Me! Battle on February 1st.


    (To steal Rocket J. Squirrel & Deputy Dawg expressions.)

    What a great Battle, MARY, MARY, QUITE EXTRAORDINARY!

    I wasn't completely sure which direction you were going in today, but I did suspect Tiny was a possibility. And I damn-near used Tiny in today's MARGARITA DAY Battle as well. If I had known for certain you were doing this, I'd have joined you and made it a BIG Tiny day!

    When you mentioned doing a "traditional" Battle today, it never dawned on me that you had the tradition of Margarita Day in mind and that you'd use my guy, Tiny, as a tie-in to that. I consider this quite a compliment and honor, and I thanks ya for it!!

    "A tradition since 1986, except for 1994."

    In fact, later today, when I go out for my traditional Margaritas, I hereby promise to raise a glass and toast you and your good health in 2023.

    It was my Pa who - flying solo - started the 'Margarita Day' tradition in 1986. I think it may have been the first Margarita that he'd ever had. (He was primarily a beer and Bourbon & 7 kinda guy.) The next year, we both went out together for Margaritas and kept doing it year after year. But somehow (WTP?!?!) we both forgot to do it on January 1, 1994. The next year we picked up where we'd left off, and we continued the tradition until he passed away in April of '96. I've kept the tradition alive by myself ever since then. There have been Margarita Days celebrated in Los Angeles, California; Prescott, Arizona; Phoenix, Arizona; Reno, Nevada; and Carson City, Nevada.

    My Brother, Nappy, said he really liked the DORIS DAY version, so that's where his vote lands. (I WON'T be toasting *him* with one of my Margaritas today! The punk!!)

    No matter how lopsided this Battle might turn out, surely you knew that there was no, nada, zero, zilch possibility of you winding up with a shutout because... Of-Freaking-Course I am voting for TINY TIM. Hullo-oooo! He puts all the fun in the song. I like Day's version well enough (with that old-timey musical arrangement), but the tempo strikes me as bit too draggy. Tiny ups the tempo and fills the song a sense of fun and joy. Tiny should win this Battle, in my opinion. But it's highly unlikely.

    You made my morning, MMQE, just like Margaritas are going to make my afternoon / evening! Thank You!!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Hey there Stephen!

      So good to hear the backstory of how Margarita Day began. Such a great tradition to celebrate a memory of your dad. It's okay to have a toast to Brother Nappy, too, as brothers as important in a guys life!

      I certainly appreciate all that you have done to keep me going this past year. 2023 is going to be MUCH better! I can feel it deep in my soul...

      Thanks for stopping in with your 2.5cents as well as Brother Nappy's. I'm up to a nickel now! Ah, it will be a prosperous year, after all!


  2. Happy New Year, Mary!
    What a delightful battle ;-) I smiled as soon as I saw Doris Day. Then worried when I thought she really wasn’t going to sing – ha! My toes were already tapping - not just because it’s cold in my office today – when I clicked on Tiny Tim’s version and giggled right out loud. Tiny Tim gets my vote for such a lively rendition of an already uplifting song ;-)
    ~ diedre at streampebbles.com

    1. Happy New Year to you as well!

      Glad that you enjoyed this one! Thanks for stopping by!


  3. This battle was so good, I just had to hop on over and join in on the fun. I love that classic big band sound, and Doris Day's voice was so dreamy. I thought her rendition would beat Tiny Tim's by a mile, but Tiny Tim's version has such a quirky, whimsical charm, and he put up a fight as only a falsetto voiced oddball can do. I'm still ultimately picking Doris, but Tiny was a surprisingly close second.

    Cheers to a good 2023, and I hope those tough days you spoke of are now in the rear view mirror!

    1. Hey Shower Beers!

      Good to see you here =) And I do appreciate your leaving a vote. I'm with you - hoping those tough days are in the past and 2023 is smooth sailing. The docs are whispering 'remission' but I'll still be going in for treatment on a regular basis to keep that nasty cancer away.


  4. Oh God...Tiny Tim...no. Hahaha. He was fun to listen to but...no. Doris gets my vote all the way. Happy New Year!

  5. Oh myyyy....Doris Day vs. Tiny Tim. Epic! I did enjoy Tiny Tim's rendition of Tiptoe Through the Tulips but had no idea how this song (new to me) would turn out. I am declaring Doris Day the winner but, like another commenter said, Tiny Tim came in second closer than I ever would have expected. I kept liking Tiny Tim's version more the more it played. So, never make assumptions?

  6. Going with a little Doris Day. Both are great songs.

  7. Dorris gets my vote on this one! Happy New Year

  8. Happy New Year, Mary! My vote is for Doris Day, of course. ;)

  9. Tiny Tim's cover was hilarious, but I'm voting for Doris here...

  10. Coming in late, but I'm here. Don't have a Battle of my own, but I'm going to make my voting rounds.

    Tiny Tim is fun, but Doris Day is divine. I can't say I've ever heard this song before--it's a nice one.

    Give my vote to Doris Day.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  11. Mary,

    Tiny Tim with the strange voice was an odd fella but overall in a fun kinda way. I remember my second cousins who were much older than me crushing over Tiny and me being an itzy teeny weenie girl knew then that this fella was a dog bark and all. lol Poor guy really didn't have much going for him in the looks department. Anyway, sad to say Tiny's version won't be getting my vote. Doris Day's classy, elegant cover totally did it for me and I'm giving my vote to Doris Day. What a fun way to rock in the new year!


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