Rocktober 1, 2023


Welcome to Rocktober! 

October Battle of the Bands is taking a mini-break. Battle of the Bands will return on November 1. 

It’s been a year or two since I did this, and I’ve been wanting to do it again. So this year, I am making it a personal challenge to bring you Rock Music every day this month! Just know that I am writing these posts in advance, on days that I feel well and have extra energy. 

The songs that I am bringing to you this month are based on some survey from some website (I don’t even recall where, so don’t ask) They had fans respond with their favorite Rock tunes, and these are the top 31(ish) I say ish because I out-voted one or two that I didn’t agree with in their ranking. Yeah… I have that kind of power around here!

I’ll start around #31 and work my way up to #1, which will be posted on Oct 31st.

Today our song is: (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones

Wikipedia tells us this about the song:

Keith Richards wrote "Satisfaction" in his sleep and recorded a rough version of the riff on a Philips cassette player. He had no idea he had written it. He said when he listened to the recording in the morning, there was about two minutes of acoustic guitar before you could hear him drop the pick and "then me snoring for the next forty minutes". Sources vary as to where this story happened. While they make reference to a hotel room at the Fort Harrison Hotel in Clearwater, Florida, a house in Chelsea, and the London Hilton, Richards wrote in his most recent autobiography that he was in his flat in Carlton Hill, St. John's Wood. He specifies that Mick Jagger wrote the lyrics by the pool in Clearwater, four days before they went into the studio, hence the confusion. 

The Rolling Stones first recorded the track on 10 May 1965 at Chess Studios in Chicago, Illinois.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow to see what is next on the list! Feel free to join in the fun. The more the merrier, I say! 


  1. I’m looking forward to a month of great music

  2. Happy Rocktober, Mary! 🤘 "Satisfaction" is the song that first made me aware of the Rolling Stones in 1965. I was 10 years old, and we had just moved back to Germany. Interesting story about Keith writing it in his sleep. Thanks for the memory! 😃

  3. Good luck with this Rocktober endeavor. Shades of A to Z!

    Off to a good start with this Stones classic. Funny how song ideas come about. I think songs are just floating in the air waiting for some musically minded person to take the time to write them down or record them.


  4. I've never been a Rolling Stones fan. Not sure why but...

  5. Happy Rocktober, Mary! What a great idea. I am hereby accepting the challenge (to myself) to visit every day to listen to your selections. Like Debbie, this song was my introduction to the Rolling Stones.

  6. And this band just keeps going and going like the energizer bunny. I can totally believe Richards' version since there are others who dreamed and produced some great works like the poem Kublai Khan( ok I totally butchered the name and not even sure it's the name of the poem) which had a helping of opium. Richards probably had many doses of God knows what. I'm surprised this is 31...I thought it would be higher. Live this tune.

  7. I can remember when this song first came out, I was just blow away. I loved that song. Great start to a great month for you (I hope). Alana

  8. Mary,

    I'm happy you found the drive to bring your month long music fest back! When I first learned you were doing this again, I thought perhaps I would get on the fun but it's not going to happen for me. We're doing a staycation this month beginning Friday and I'll visit as often as I can during my off-blogging days, then after I return full swing I'll be sure to hop over each day for the last half of October. ;)

    Although, I'm not a huge Stones fan, this song is very iconic. Have a funtastic Rocktober, my friend!

  9. MMQE ~

    I gotta admit that this one was especially difficult for me. In fact, this may be the closest Battle Of The Bands match-up I've ever seen. I've heard *both* songs literally countless times, so I am more than just a little familiar with them.

    I'm really kind of undecided on how to vote between 'SATISFACTION' by the Rolling Stones and the Rolling Stones' 'SATISFACTION'. However, since I could go either way, and since so far *everyone* has sided with 'SATISFACTION' by the Rolling Stones, I'm gonna do you a favor and save you from a shutout by voting for the Rolling Stones' 'SATISFACTION'. (Perhaps you can return the favor sometime when you find me in jeopardy of suffering a BOTB shutout.)

    Your Savior,
    ~ D-FensDogG


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